What would be the consequences of balancing the federal budget NEXT year?

Well, we wouldn’t be in mad max world but the world would probably seem very familiar to people from the great depression.

Free up what capital, the hypothetical assumed the same tax rate but now with more unemployed people and lower economic activity.

There are much less painful ways of getting there and frankly we wouldn’t see very much inflation in that sort of environment, more likely to see deflation.

You act as if the great depression never happened.

Depending on who you ask, it was either caused by all the war bonds maturing at about the same time combined with the stimulative effects of things like the GI bill and the wealth distribution effects of powerful labor unions OR it was caused by the employment effects of the military industrial complex.

You’re looking at all the statistics. Rate of job loss reversed during taht period. erate of economic decline reversed in that period.

They would become avaialble for what jobs?

WTF are we building?

The capital markets are not being crowded out by treasuries. Treasuries are yielding next to nothing because people are seeking safety not returns. It is clear that people would rather bury their money in the backyard than invest in anything these days because noone wants risk right now.

Those heavy hitters you are talking about are natiaonal security, social security, medicare and medicaid right? The non-military discretionary budget amounts to 11% of the federal budget.

I feel investing in a special goverment fraud squad could pay for itself many times over. I realize that supposedly we have this in place but it still is not happening. Every single entitlement program out here is rift with fraud as well as many of the goverment contracts handed out. I would not be surprised if all depts were straightened out 100% that we would not save a minimum of 40%. Not realistic I know.

Ravenman covered most of this pretty well, but I have to respond to this. First, such a cut in federal spending is not going to impact federal employees alone, just as cuts in state spending have led to weaker general conditions in the states. Decreased demand is going to drive down private employment, or at the least cause hiring freezes.
Second, even if astronauts get hired, we should be concerned with the mass of laid off workers, not the elite 1%.
Third, I’m trying to hire people with very specific skill requirements. I figure that there is a handful of people working for the government (in the national labs) who have the qualifications I need. Weak employment means that companies feel they can be very picky, demanding not just skills but exact matches. I have a headhunter friend who is seeing this. Plus, while we are having problems finding people now, four years ago it would have been easy. But of course back then hardly anyone in Silicon Valley was hiring. Maybe you have it better up in the boonies.
In case you weren’t aware, there is a lawyer glut today. Lots of scientists work on NSF grants - cutting those will cut the need for scientists (besides other ill effects.)
Things would be a big mess, with lots more underemployment than we even see today.

May I introduce you to the GSA Office of Investigations?