What Would You Consider An Insult To Your Spouse?

No. The light response is since she married me they very well could be correct. The deeper response is matters of opinion are not insulting; matters of fact (like race, age) can be insulting. At least IMHO.

If anybody said anything implying that I picked out clothes for Mr. Neville, or that he had anything to do with how I dress, I’d look at them like they’d just asked me for a lightly grilled weasel on a bun with french fries.

This, on the other hand, is what I’d probably say if somebody told me Mr. Neville has bad taste.

I don’t let insults to my wife’s talent, character or intelligence slide, but I also don’t take initial issue with those insults physically. I’ve found directly challenging the rare aspersion gets the person to back down well before any direct threat of violence is called for.

Also, my wife is from Quebec. We live in the States and visit her family outside of Montreal fairly regularly. I’ve come to love the place, in large part because it’s such a big part of who she is. As a result, I won’t tolerate other Canadians talking shit about “those backward Quebecers,” nor will I put up with dipshits ragging that the Quebec French dialect “isn’t really French.” By that logic, the shit coming out of your, “Aboat,” mumbling mouth “isn’t really English.”

I have only gotten red hot mad about someone insulting my (soon to be) spouse once. We had been dating for about 8 months or so and my sister (my best friend!) and I got into a huge screaming match. She called my spouse “just another fling” and a “manslut” (never mind that he was a virgin when we met!). I was not taking it any longer and I got angry. We didn’t speak for about a month.

She since apologized (and I apologized to her about the things I said). She’s not the Maid of Honor at our wedding in a few weeks.

My fiance almost punched out my boss (if he were there when she said it, he would have). I told him about some very unfair things she was saying, out right lies and he knew it. He got really pissed about her calling me lazy and unprofessional and a bad worker (he knows I work too damn hard!). He was seething and he said it’s a good thing he wasn’t there or my boss would be filing assault charges against him.