Whatever happened to the Uzi?

aw, cmon, now, …it’s okay…everybody does it…you don’t have to hold back…don’t bottle it up til it explodes later…it’s okay to express what you’re feeling…

And anyway— the picture it that cite looks like it was taken before 1920.So it’s not the old clichee–it’s a genuine, original 1910 -style…you-know-what.

Not coincidentally, City of Villains has ninjas . . . AND thugs with Uzis. More evidence for the ninja - Uzi link.

Road to Perdition

There’s one in The Matrix Reloaded (in the scene in the Merovingian’s staircase), and pretty much every WWII movie ever made features someone with either an M1A1 or M19281A1 Thompson SMG in it.

Road To Perdition also had the M1928A1 featuring quite prominently, and they were also used in Sky Captain And The World Of Tomorrow, too.

Agreed! If they were legal here, I’d have one of the Auto-Ordnance M1927A1 Semi-Auto Thompsons.

I also would have accepted “Lanchester” “PPSh 41”, “Suomi”, and “L2 Sterling” SMGs as answers… :smiley:

You know, I have to say that the Vz-61 Skorpion or the Mauser M1932 would be a better weapon against the Ninja Menace, what with their ability to be wielded John Woo style and general coolness of appearance…

Didn’t Picard shoot some Borg up with one ?

Not sure , but I remember Kirk used one back in the sixties TOS , concrete galoshes , indeed


Picard killed robots (Borg?) with one in the Holodeck in the movie where they all go to Earth and James Cromwell is there.

First Contact

The holodeck scene program is from a noir style private dick series of interactive stories based in (iirc) the 1930s.

My Uzi weighs a ton.

Didn’t Tom Hanks have a Tommy gun in that one show? And there was at least one in Band of Brothers, but I can’t remember the last time I saw an Uzi.

Shot an Uzi once… Armenian fella I used to know had one, but he was more than a little paranoid so I only got a couple single shots - no idea how he got it into the country, and I didn’t ask. This was back in '88 or so, seems like an entirely different world back then.
I’d take an H&K over an Uzi, but I wouldn’t turn it down if I got a line on one.
A guy my BiL knows has a Class III license and let my BiL shoot his Thompson. Said it was one of the coolest things he’d shot, but not worth the $20k + that the gun and the government licensing cost the first guy. This was after a Service Rifle match that I usually shoot at, missed out on this because of a Cub Scout campout. Wouldn’t miss time with my kids, but I’m a little bummed about the timing. I would have been happy to pitch in the 200 rds of .45 I usually carry with me for a chance to shoot a piece of history.


To the range! Just to the range… Even though it’s a rifle match, I’ll have some .45 with me just in case I want to do a little pistol practice after. I’m not prepared for an extended firefight just running back and forth to work.

I usually only have 16 rounds for day to day stuff :smiley:

But what if a diabolical evildoer tries to take over the world on your watch?

If he’s on my watch, then I can get rid of him with a flick of my wrist.

I didn’t say he was small enough to fit comfortably on your watch. Think Kingpin, for example. Are you a steady shot with your other hand?

Well sure! I’m right handed, so my watch is on my left wrist - no problem. Why I remember one time back in 19 aught 8 me and Teddy Roosevelt was takin’ turns shooting each others watches! Well, we all had pocket watches back in those days and so we got ourselves a few holes, like that couger we ran across in ‘98. HA! 98, that was a wild year, I was runnin’ with twitchy Joe down on the border trying to keep them crazy Arizonans from invading…
12:20, why?

All this reminds me of my wild days in Zululand, back in '79- gosh, the little blighters seemed to be everywhere, didn’t they?- and then a bit later on in the Cape Colony, before we headed north into Tanganyika and British East Africa in '81 or '82, and I remember Lady Fotherington insisting we should head onto Khartoum… that would have been about '83, I suppose, and aside from another spat with the locals there, I found the place entirely too dull by half, so I ended up back in the Cape Colony around… oooh, I think it would have around '96 or '97, since Lord Downtrousers had just bought himself one of those newfangled Maxim Guns, and then there was that unpleasantness with the Boers a few years later… Sir Winston and I could certainly tell you some stories about that, including how we defeated the entire Boer army with nothing but a revolver, some fencing wire, and half a pound of Earl Grey tea, but you’d have to buy me another drink first… :wink:

You are clearly a person of impeccable artistic taste with an eye for beauty in function.

IMHO, the sexiest subgun ever made.

Dang it! Once again I have clicked on “Submit Replu” instead of “Preview Post!”


I meant to add one more thing:

The only thing being better is an orginal, full-auto Thompson, with the ribbed barrel and drum magazine.

With the cost of .45ACP ammo here, and it’s near impossibility of obtainment, I’d need a semi-auto to make sure I didn’t fire off a week’s pay worth of ammo in a few seconds. :smiley:

I think I just saw an Uzi in Beverly Hills Cop III. Looks like the movie is from 1994, but that’s the best I can do on a Sunday morning.