What's it like living in Portland?

Chefguy, I said Portland was fair to good, and some being outstanding! I wasn’t trying to knock Portland at all, I just don’t think it’s the absolute, hands-down best.

I agree with the comment that while Oregon and Portland might not get a lot of total rain, it gets a LOT of overcast and fog and drizzle, which is depressing and miserable and it’s why I moved to Houston.

To those of you from Texas wondering how the weather compares… Texas weather is 130055487% better than Oregon. The summers in Oregon are usually nice (hot but not too humid), but they are super short, and the overcast/fog/drizzle is depressing as depressing can be. I vastly prefer the eternally hot and humid Houston summers and the brief but enjoyable winters to the other way around that Oregon has.

But fear not, unless you live up high, you probably won’t endure much snow, if that’s your main concern.

Man, Salem just doesn’t get any love. :frowning:

And indeed, lots of people move the other direction for the opposite reason. Personally, I prefer overcast days to stiflingly humid ones, so I’m happier here. Different strokes.