What's next, advertising on the actual bases in baseball?

I just saw on tv that they’ve canceled it because “it bothered some”.

Yay :slight_smile:

Apparently the idea’s caught on in ballet, though.

Not to worry. One look at my urine stream, and Mountain Dew will be the last thing I’ll want to drink.

Makes me think of the classic Fred Pohl-Cyril Kornbluth novel The Space Merchants.

Well, let it never be said that baseball didn’t listen to the fans and do the right thing, choosing the integrity of the game and the sentiments who love it over money.

Of course, I wouldn’t expect them to do it a second time…

Just nitpicking here, but…

  1. “Chiba” of Chiba Lotte Marines is the homecity of the team. It’s a suburb of Tokyo (to the East)

  2. Kintetsu is also a railway company.

  3. The Carp’s full name is “Hiroshima Toyo Carp” - the team is owned by the Toyo Industrial Conglomerate.

  4. And, finally, although the name does not hint it, the Yokohama Bay Stars are owned fully by Tokyo Broadcasting System.

So, unlike the American leagues, where even a slightest logo causes upset, we here in Japan are used to logos all over the place - Baseball is completely run by companies.