What's so bad about a "service economy"

One of my favorite lines from any movie is from PHILADELPHIA where Denzel Washington says “explain it to me like I am a four year old” as a way of cutting out all the techno/high philosophy double talk BS.

So somebody please explain this to me like I am a four year old.

What does 21st century America do with the large number of people with IQ’s in the 80 to 95 range in this new service economy where manufacturing has been sent overseas to insure them a stable and middle class life?

In my family, there are several older men who were not at all bright people. They never finished high school, dropped out, went into World War II as soldiers and served honorably. When they got out, they were not college material and they knew it. They got jobs in factories - and I am going to use a dirty word here but please forgive me - union jobs - at worked at them for the rest of their working lives.

Because of good union contracts, they were able to move to the suburbs, buy decent houses,get married . have kids, but a new car every five years or so, and live a stable and middle class life. They were solid citizens and good members of the community. They were the backbone of American through the Fifties through the Eighties.

Please explain to me what happens to these people in your new Brave New World service USA.

And then explain to me how you can have a successful America with a thriving Middle Class the way we did then.