What's the best way to transport pet cats across the country?

I crossed the country in a rental moving van with two cats. I had obtained some cat sedatives from the vet before this. Each cat had their own cat carrier box and I put them in the front seat with me, lashed to keep them from moving too much, and facing me so they could see me and I could keep an eye on them. I placed a bath towel in each box that we had slept with for something soft and for some kind of familiar smell.

I gave them water but no food. Turns out they weren’t in the mood to eat anyway.

The first day was pretty quiet, just unhappy faces peering through the mesh.

I stayed in a hotel overnight, the blessing was that the bed wasn’t on legs, it was on a solid box, Otherwise I would’ve been digging them out from under the bed in the morning.

The second day, despite the tranquilizers, they yowled and whined almost constantly.

We took a potty break during the days at a rest stops. I took cut-down cardboard boxes, lined with garbage bags, as a litter boxes so I could pitch the mess easily. I just placed the box on the cab floor, and let them out of their boxes. I kept the truck cab closed up during the whole operation because I have no illusions on how to keep Houdini and her brother contained when they really want to get out.
HTH, Belrix.

We have one of those soft-sided duffle bag type carriers, which fit larger cats than the hard carriers do. My big kitty (17 pounds) fits in it just fine, and mostly, they just lay down in it. My older kitty was flown back and forth cross-country a few times, under the seat in all cases. (Once as a declared cat, and once undeclared - nobody knew or cared once I got on the plane, and it saved me fifty bucks.) The sedative helped, but wasn’t all THAT necessary with the cat in question.

My parents, on the other hand, drove out with theirs about a year ago. Cat and dog were in the back of the SUV. The cat NEVER used the litter in the car, even though it was available for her. She waited until they were in the hotel room, and used it then. Over the four-day trip, they had no problems.

Cat-a-pult! (Jeez, somebody had to say it!).

Seriously, in a car or van worked for me. They can “rest” when you do. Take them out of the vehicle, let 'em get fresh air. I hear too many horror stories about flying cats. I just wouldn’t want the little sweeties to be out of my physical control. But, that’s me.

(sorry about the joke…I love cats, but it was irresistable).