What's the difference between strong muscles and big muscles?

Absolutely. All I remembered was it used to be accepted that hyperplasia occurred in humans but I really haven’t kept up on the latest since it really wasn’t something I worried about when i lift.

It depends on what you are looking for.

Muscle tone is a state where a few of the muscle fibers are contracted when the body part is at rest. This increases with exercise.

But you cannot spot reduce fat. So you aren’t going to reduce fat in your arms by doing a lot of pushups, as opposed to exercising any other body part.

Push ups are not only a triceps exercise (the muscle on the back of your upper arm) but a chest and shoulder exercise as well. The close you bring your hands together, the more the triceps are worked. You might want to add a biceps exercise, to increase the size of the biceps muscle. Arm curls with soup cans or a bag of books works fine. Increasing the size of your biceps will sort of stretch the skin on your upper arms so the muscles are more apparent.

You cannot change the shape of a muscle. You can make it bigger, but you cannot change the attachment locations or how the fibers are arranged.

60 push ups a day is pretty impressive, especially for a female. How intensely you are working the target muscles depends on how many you do in a row, how strictly you do them, are you resting your knees on the ground, etc. You could also try dips, especially bench dips.


Shodan, monstro is somewhat unlikely to have too much fat - last I heard her BMI was under 19. Agreed that what she is thinking as arm defintion would be served well by including some biceps work. Hard body movie stars aside though most people, especially women, don’t have too sinewy of a look at rest.

monstro a bit of muscle mass, hard body or not, is good for your health. Don’t stop. And yes if you are low tone at rest you are even more unlikely than most to look sinewy at rest.

So, is the current theory that the number of muscle cells is fixed in utero, or at some point later in life? Could an active four year-old, for example, increase his/her muscle cells?

My understanding is that the current belief is as expressed in this bit:

I would be unsurprised to hear at some future point that such is actually an overstatement and that some new cell growth does occur (just like we’ve learned that the old view of no new neurons was not 100% accurate) … rp pointed out some research in animal models that demonstrates that such is at least possible … but significant amounts? Highly improbable.