What's the Electoral College for if it's not to keep a guy like Trump out of the presidency?

Okay, but what about this:

The EC also magnifies racial power disparity. I guarantee you that if black people packed 3 electoral vote states as a majority the EC would’ve been abolished eons ago.

This is why I’m saying that the EC protects one type of interests: states, and doesn’t address any of the other myriad inequalities in the US. There are tons of groups that should have electoral power to protect their rights because they’re not the majority, and shouldn’t be subject to their beliefs on their livelihood, but instead due to some stupid negotiations between cis, straight, white landowning men we distribute this power because of where you live. Should those Asians with 0.58 of a person’s voting power as a racial group just suck it up and move to Wyoming?

(That graphic is from this patronizing think-comic, I’ve seen similar analyses elsewhere).