What's the most important event or person that nobody's made a movie about?

Those of us in our fifties are the last to have lived when elephants were used in war.

The Night Witches, the female Russian pilots of World War II. Amazing story.

No, they werem’t particularly common in Alexander’s day, especially in Greece. North Africa (which apparently had dwarf elephants into historic times North African elephant - Wikipedia ). But you won’;t find them in early histories of Greece (unlike the lion, which did range up that far). Alexander was over a century before Hannibal, and long before Claudius, of course.
Look at al the examples in the Wikipedia page on “war elephants”:

Pyrrhus in 280 BCE is the earliest tyhey list. Alexander lived 356-323, well before any of the uses of War elephants against European cited. In fact, the first use of war elephants against Europeans that page lists (against Asian elephants, though, not African) is ahainst Alexander himself in 331 BCE. Rulers in northern Africa might have been using elkephants against each other, but it appears that war elephants were a new thing against Alexander, and would make him sending one back to his tutorf plausible.

It turns out the idea wasn’t original with dde Camp – historians had been playing with the idea befoire And there are plenty willing to punch holes in the idea, too, for various reasons. But it’d still make a helluva film.

A TV movie was made about it, specifically the story of the activist who brought it to the world’s attention.

Dude, what’s up? Your links are the same as the ones I posted.

I’m not trying to pick a fight or anything (certainly not over elephants, and you know that I love you ;)), but:

You said that elephants are sub-Saharan. I pointed out that they were living in North Africa into Roman times.

You posted a link suggesting that there’s a mystery over where Hannibal got his elephants. I explained that there isn’t, as they were living in North Africa, and Carthaginians and others were using elephants quite a lot.

You said that African elephants weren’t readily available in Greece in Aristotle’s time. Which I completely agreed with. So we’re on the same page there.

Then you post the same links as I posted, for some reason.

So… are we cool, or are we still disagreeing about something here?