What's the most recent US presidential election where you can't remember who the loser was?

At the risk of boasting, I know all major Presidential opponents stretching back to 1789.

Same here.

I got as far back as the Eisenhower years. I knew that Stevenson was one of them but had forgotten that he lost twice to Ike. And I remembered Dewey in 48 but had no clue who ran against FDR.

Obama vs Romney
Obama vs McCain
GWBush vs Kerry
GWBush vs Gore
Clinton vs Dole
Clinton vs GHWBush
GHWBush vs Dukakis
Reagan vs Mondale
Reagan vs Carter <—— first one I could vote in
Carter vs Ford
Nixon vs McGovern. <-- took me several beats to remember McGovern’s name
Nixon vs Humphrey vs Wallace
Johnson vs Goldwater
Kennedy vs Nixon
Eisenhower vs…uhh… Adlai Stevenson??? checks internet YES!!!
but when I verified that I saw a spoiler for the previous election (also Ike vs Stevenson) so I don’t think I get to count Ike vs Stevenson I in '52…

Truman vs Dewey thanks mostly to memorable Dewey vs Truman headlines
before that yeeeeesh, FDR versus some New York Republican I think?

1940 for me, but I had to look it up. I was dredging up the name “John Nance Garner” for some reason, but he turned out to be one of FDR’s VPs, not one of his opponents.

We the people are the losers in all the elections

And this has nothing to do with the question in the OP or any other post in this thread. You’re receiving a warning for attempting to de-rail a discussion.

He was both. Roosevelt and Garner had some serious disagreements over policy in Roosevelt’s second term and Garner challenged Roosevelt for the 1940 presidential nomination.

Seventy-Six for me, I blanked on '72’s election. I only got to '96 on the downticket candidates, well '76 if I’m right that it was Dole/Kemp in '96.

Edited to fix '96.

I was going to say that, then I remembered it, so 1924 for me.

  1. I couldn’t remember John W. Davis.

(though I remember several prior ones)

I knew Dewey lost in '44, but I could not remember '40, I think it was some cowboy – or was that Garner?

You an name ALL the opponents of 1860? Or you can name Douglas?

I could name 1948 to present in my sleep. 1944 is where I go fuzzy. My first campaign memory was when I was nearly 4 years old in 1960, being hoisted on my dad’s shoulders to see JFK at an airport campaign speech in Michigan. The only thing I recall was that he had sort of reddish hair in my opinion. Then in 1964 in the LBJ landslide, all of us schoolkids were saying “Silver water is okay, but Goldwater, yuck!”

I can name all the opponents in the 1860 election. It’s one of the most important elections in American history. It’s the quiet peaceful elections where one side goes on to easy re-election that get forgotten. I’m sure fifty years from now, most people won’t remember who challenged Reagan in 1984 or Clinton in 1996.

  1. I knew it once upon a time but drew a blank. And 1944 was kind of guess. 1948 has a famous outcome, and after that the 1952 and 1956 elections lingered in the current events of my lifetime. I wasn’t aware of Nixon as the challenger in 1960 until I was a little older, and from then on everything was part of my lifetime.

Yeah, 1944. Some sacrificial Republican against FDR for his last term.

I should know; I’ve read ***Truman ***and that election, of course, was a big part of the biography. But it didn’t stick.

Douglas, Breckinridge, and Bell.

I don’t feel myself particularly “knowledgeable” for knowing this-this is just the area of trivia I know a bit about.

I was wondering about this too.

I could have named three of four total candidates for that year, missing Bell.

Going further back in out history, there was no “major party” ambiguity in the 1824 election: four Democrat-Republican candidates won electoral votes.

1800 would be the most challenging of all for OP purposes, with two Democrat-Republicans and three Federalists winning electoral votes.