Whats the new Tool album called?

Well we did a secret Santa and my person wants the “New Tool album” I checked online and the newest one i saw was the '06 called 10,000 days. But that seems kinda old to be called the “new tool” obliviously i cant ask because that would demean the whole integrity of a secret Santa.

10,000 Days is the most recent Tool album. But the singer is in another side project called Puscifer that released an album recently, called V is for Vagina.

So you might need to double check if they want Tool or ‘the guy from Tool’s new cd.’

NajaHusband, die-hard Tool fan, concurs with 10,000 Days.

10000 Days is the right answer! (at least I think so)…

Oh and Maynard rocks!!

Hmm…i would prefer not to get both. Its kinda hard to ask questions though. I will ask someone she knows. THanks for your help