What's the point of death by electrocution?

LOL rippington
For someone who is against the death penalty you seem to have come up with a fool-proof, never fail, 100% guaranteed method of putting it into practice.

Incidentally, I am in favor of the death penalty. This is not the forum to discuss it, but it is acceptable (I think) to at least state but not debate one’s opinion(s) in General Questions.

Man, how did this old-ass thread wind up getting revived?

Now that I see this again, may I recommend the excellent book by a friend of my girlfriend, Mark Essig’s Edison and the Electric Chair A Story of Light and Death.

Recalling a story my Dad told me: He was chatting with a supervisor during ground clearing for aerial transmission construction (Dad was an engineer for a power company) and one of the crew mishandled a tree limb. Joe went into the chipper and was gone in less than 2 seconds. :eek:

Modify the old hanging platform, and let the trap door drop the guilty party into a running chipper. Bet you could sell the heck out of that on pay-per-view.

Yes, since you asked, I am in favor of capital punishment, just with fewer appeals.