What's the secret to making perfect pancakes?

Oh yeah, I always add in nutmeg and cinnamon. And vanilla. Just like my coffee! :slight_smile:

I prefer thin, crepe-like pancakes, and I always use more milk than the recipe says (If you’re using pancake mix, like Bisquick, add a lot more milk than the directions call for). And I find that the batter “thickens up” as it stands, so i usually add extra milk before pouring.

Of course, if it’s too thin (and you haven’t properly greased the griddle) you won’t be able to flip them. Trial and error will give you the correct mix. But I find that the standard recipes give you a pancake that’s too thick and too bread-like.

Use any recipe you care to but add an extra egg and whip them before you add to mix.

The first one does end up crappy but the rest are perfect.
Make them small so they heat evenly and are easy to flip.
I always use a little butter in the pan before I make them.
Also, better to have the grill on the cool side rather than too hot.
Vanilla extract (just a couple drops) and or cinnamon is also a must.

Best topping is raspberry jam. With lots of butter of course.
Stack the cakes and alternate jam with butter then top the whole pile with maple syrup.
I`m hungry now.

How do you tell the temp. on the pan surface? Experience I suppose.

I should`ve added I cook with gas.

I’ve met people who think they have two settings on their stove, namely ON (synonymous with HIGH) and OFF. If you’re cooking with gas, then you can actually peek down and see the difference between off, low, medium, high and all the variations in between.

I see you’ve met my wife :smiley:
I cook my pancakes on an electric griddle at 325° F and I use Snoqualmie falls mix. My girls love em!

YEAAAHHHHHH !!! Athena crumbled !!! tee hee

On behalf of pancake lovers worldwide, I’d like to thank the other Pressure Pancake Conspirators for pressuring Athena until she simply couldn’t withstand it any more.

We’ve done well, my little Droogs. :smiley:

Sounds like a champeen recipe, I must print it and try it out !!