What's up with hazel eyes?

[QUOTE=Sarah Woodruff]
I thought that the number or size of melanin cells would determine how much “brown” pigment there would be in the iris, like with skin colour.


that may in fact be the case; I really don’t know enough about pigmentation to say. I know melanin production does affect eye color, so some genes involved in it eye pigmentation surely affect at least melanocyte manufacture and/or competence in melanin production, if not also size (I don’t know whether or not that’s a factor). melanin’s just one of many different factors in coloration of the eye, though; it’s the interaction of all these factors that ultimately produce the color you see.

One day I was working with my Turkish colleague going over a document, and the afternoon sunlight caught my brown eyes from the side. She said to me, “Gözlerin bal rengi” (Your eyes are honey colored.) A nice Turkish sort of expression.