What's wrong with my doorknob (and how can I fix it?)

Well, thanks to you guys I spent a hundred bucks at Hiller Hardware and narrowly escaped buying a meat grinder. FYI, some of their Baldwin brass is 50% off, I got a cool decorative brass thing that’s ever so period to my house. They did have one crystal doorknob, which they said they didn’t over the phone, but it was like $140 and even at 50% off that’s more of a premium than I’m willing to pay to buy local. Pretty, though, and I did get a pretty Delft-style porcelain lever handle for the kitchen door. Didn’t come with a lock mechanism, though, so I’m back to square one. :slight_smile:

Ex-Columbians, you do know they and many other 5 Points businesses are essentially closing because of shortsighted streetscaping projects, right? Within a year or so all that’s left there will be college bars and drunken kids throwing up in the streets.