What's your opinion of meditation?

I meditate through physical movement. While walking, doing yoga, or when I’m working with my hands. They call this “flow” aka “being in the zone”. It is where you lose self-awareness and become the thing that you’re engaged in. It’s wonderful.

Traditional meditation where you sit in silence? Very hard for me. But every week I give it a try in my restorative yoga class.

I have no doubt it’s one of those things - like exercise - that everybody should be doing. there are many proven benefits and I keep meaning to start, that’s for sure.

works well

Interesting, I make primitive bows and arrows as a hobby. I start with a log and I use hand tools to reduce it down to a working bow. I am totally addicted to it and spend about 4 to 5 hours everdy day doing this. The physical aspect of reducing the log kind of gets me into a state of tired but very relaxed. As work progresses I find myself becomming more one with the wood as it comes to life and starts the bending process. I have to be able to monitor the cell structure of the wood to know how hard I am pushing it. I come away from each session very very relaxed and for some reason very happy.

I’ll definitely give it another go. Although pretty calm and laid back on the surface, I’m a bubbling cauldron of emotions under the surface, fear, anxiety, rage, etc. When meditating it does help me realise that they’re of no consequence and a waste of time and energy.

Ignore most of what I say on this site because I’ve never been very good at explaining myself :frowning:

I used to meditate a couple times a day when I lived in a peaceful setting, but now that I live somewhere with a lot of noise, mainly generated by a housemate, I can’t concentrate meaningfully to meditate, so I just play video games to zone out.

Finding any way to relax is as good as any other. If you want to call it meditation, then whatever. I usually just snooze, or sit in the sun and watch the bees and butterflies, or just gaze out the train window. As far as I know it achieves the exact same thing as any kind of formal meditation.

As others have said, there are many forms of meditation, and as many purposes. I use several, most developed on my own to suit my mental quirks. I use different techniques to compartmentalize pain, build and retrieve complex memory associations, brainstorm, and even (with intermittent success) to induce a controlled hyperfocused state.

I’m fairly sound-oriented, and I use a chime in a similar fashion. There’s a particular metal chime that I’ve had for years, and I can easily recreate its sound in my mind without actually striking it. To clear my mind in the initial stages of meditation, I focus on that sound, following it down to the instant the sound gives way to silence, and stay there for a moment. It’s a very quick, effective exercise, I find.

I go for long walks. After a while, all the blood goes to the legs, and stops going to the brain. It leads to a nice, comfortable, “empty” sense, given order by the rhythm of walking.

The first mile takes fifteen minutes.

The next three miles (seem to) take no time at all.

On my walk home today, I was totally lost in my thoughts. I have almost no memory of the three mile journey.

I know this is not the same thing as meditation, but it did make me feel like I’d stepped into another psychic dimension.