When does political speech become sedition?

:rolleyes: I predict Obama wins anyway, and I predict no shots fired afterwards.

That Coffman is not a very articulate speaker. But I already thought that based on his earlier remarks.

But what he actually said (repeatedly) was his original apology. He didn’t go back to saying Obama wasn’t an American or make up any new accusations. So there was nothing new here.

Coffman said something stupid. He then followed up by giving a half-assed explanation that was pretty bad. And then he got his act together and offered a real apology in which he acknowledged he had been wrong. Maybe he had to get somebody else to write it for him but he was the one that put his name on it. The real story was over at this point.

So now what? Do reporters follow him around and ask him questions in an attempt to get him to say something else stupid? Or do they just get him to repeat the same lines over and over in an attempt to avoid saying something stupid. I’m sure Coffman wishes he was more like JFK or Reagan and could toss off glib one-liners that would charm reporters but that’s apparently not him. So he handled it to the best of his abilities.

Yes, I have to question this kind of apocalyptic campaigning. I suppose you could argue it had some effect when Obama was first running for the Presidency. But how much can it work now? The man’s already been President for three years. How can anyone seriously claim that he’ll destroy the country if he gets in office - for a second term? If he was really such an apocalyptic threat, wouldn’t he have been destroying America on Day One?

At this point, even if you really believe that Obama wants to turn America into a Communist People’s Republic/Muslim theocracy/barren wasteland you have to acknowledge that he’s failed in his goals. Obama’s worst enemies should have to concede that his threat level has been reduced from Antichrist to Jimmy Carter.

That was what I was referring to in my previous post, not the second attempt to clarify his remarks on his website that [del]someone on his staff wrote for him[/del] the person who could not deal with answering followup questions had on his website.

He’s a coward, plain and simple.

You underestimate Obama’s cunning. Obama knew he had to be moderate in his first term, only so he could ramp things up to a Spinal Tap 11 in the second term.

Didn’t you know about his secret plans for his second term?

Obama’s Secret Plan To Destroy The Second Amendment By 2016
Obama’s secret plan to soar gas prices
Middle East and Terrorism: Obama’s “Secret” Plan on Iran’s Nuclear Weapons Issue
Obama Explains His Secret Plans to Sell Out America

To be sure, Obama is going to destroy this country. And he positively SUCKS at keeping a secret…

That’s what he *wants *you to think. Think you have him all figured out. Think you know what’s coming. Drop your guard. Relax. Start slippin’.
Then he’ll spring his *secret *secret plan to steer a relatively uneventful, apathetic center-right course more often than not brought to a screeching halt by sheer bloody minded obstructionism. And by then it’ll be too late to do anything about it.

You have been warned.

First, please clarify whether you clicked the link on not.

Don’t you think you owe the boards a better explanation than that?


I’d also like to know whether you bothered to clink the link.

So you are comparing your behavior to the behavior of the worst out-of-control right-wing politicians?

Why not compare it to me? I, too, never would dream of calling President Obama anti-American, or a threat to the safety of the Republic, or anything like that. In fact, I never so much as called President Obama a disparaging nickname like you did to Bush with “Shrub,” so I guess I’m one up on you.

So let’s make a fair comparison then.

Show us a comment by a Democratic Congressman that is as insolent toward GWB as Congressman Coffman’s was toward Obama. Or a verbal apology as asinine as that in the video which Shodan has trouble understanding (or dares not to view).

He needs to ramp it up. He’s way behind schedule. He should have destroyed around twenty states by now.

That’s soshulist government waste for ya. He should have privatized that stuff.

How quickly they forget.

Pete Stark: You’re going to spend it to blow up innocent people if we can get enough kids to grow old enough for you to send to Iraq to get their heads blown off for the president’s amusement.

So far as I’m aware, Stark never even offered a tepid apology. I could be wrong, so I welcome correction on the point.

I’m not a good Googler, but it took me 20 seconds to find an apology issued in the House chamber. That link contains not only a video of Stark’s apology, but notes that some Democrats supported a censure motion against Stark, and that Boehner (R-Ohio) insisted on wasting considerable House time on the matter.

Bricker, how are you doing on that list of Republicans who have condemned Coffman’s contemptuous remark?

There are several other differences between Stark’s comment and Coffman’s:
[ul][li] Stark made his comment publicly in the U.S. House of Representatives. Coffman’s comment was made for a group of his racist() constituents, Coffman apparently forgetting there are few secrets in the information age. ( - Is anyone here going to claim that the constant drivel that Obama is non-American doesn’t derive from his skin color?)[/li][li] Stark made his comments in the debate of an issue he felt passionately about. (GWB had just vetoed a bill to promote children’s health, as the trillion-dollar Iraq adventure left little money to waste on luxuries like children’s health.) I’ll let Bricker tell us what issue, if any, fueled Coffman’s “passion.”[/li][li] Stark’s remark, albeit unpolitic or hyperbolic, was based on fact; Coffman’s on fiction.[/li][li] I don’t think harsh words are out of order to condemn a stupid trillion-dollar adventure based on lies and greed. Coffman is nothing but a [check forum] rectal orifice pandering to racism.[/li][/ul]

From the Congression Record, Here is Stark’s comment:

Frankly I don’t blame Stark for losing his temper. His comment came immediately after

Ok. As I said, I wasn’t aware, and it’s true I hadn’t looked for one all that hard; I was going from memory for an event five years ago.

But the remark satisfies the original conditions.

When did the goalposts get to a spot on the field that included that requirement?

To further respond…

You have got to be kidding me.

No matter what motives you ascribe to Bush and the war, you cannot seriously contend that Bush was amused by the prospect of soldier’s heads being blown off. You are excusing or mitigating Stark’s remark because you agree with the motivating sentiment.

Coffman’s words were terrible. So were Stark’s. You don’t think Stark’s words were out of order because of your bias. I find each to be out of order.

Thanks a lot for the laugh, Bricker.

(I did not that claim Stark’s words were not out of order, but I’m glad regard for truth didn’t stop your punchline.)

Learning that you are unbiased really made my day. :smiley: :smiley:


Then what was this?

Surely you can recognize that there is no evidence whatsoever that regard for human life in any way restrained Bush at any time. That’s simple fact. The fact remains that he did indeed start a war, based on his own lies, and that anyone who starts a war damn well knows people are going to get killed in it. Positive evidence of his lack of regard can be found in his “Please don’t kill me” mocking of Karla Faye Tucker. So, the most you can say is that Stark exaggerated, that what he called Bush’s amusement was merely callousness.

Coffman, however, was making shit up, for the purpose of personal disparagement and nothing more. And you can draw an equivalence with that, and expect to convince anyone but yourself? Damn. :rolleyes:

No. But you can content that he started the war rather indifferent of the fact that soldiers’ head were about to get blown off. And his party extremely indifferent of the fact children would have no insurance while their dads’ would be getting their heads blown off.

I agree that the congress critter’s words were over the top characterization and rhetorical exaggeration ; but they were coming from actual facts. Namely, that the opposition was OK-ing a costly war while veto-ing a comparatively low cost quality of life measure back home. And that Bush had been pushing everyone to get his pet war going, whether it be justified or not. Because being a war President is way cool.

OTOH is there any reason, any reason at all, to believe the Republic won’t outlast a second Obama mandate ? Or that Obama is un-American at heart (whatever the fuck that might mean) ?