When is a US citizen required to prove it?

Not just permanent residents, I was eligible for a social security card as soon as I arrived on a H1b visa (you need one of those so the government can TAKE money from you in taxes, so they are quite happy to give them out like candy :slight_smile: ).

they’re not the same. you’d be immediately outed as someone who is neither a citizen nor a permanent resident as it has, in big capital letters on the front of the card “VALID FOR WORK ONLY WITH DHS AUTHORIZATION”

and, actually, the federal government is not very eager to hand them out like candy. they are very eager to hand out ITINs (individual taxpayer ID numbers) like candy, though.

No, it doesn’t. Or at least my second SS Card, also obtained with an H1B, didn’t. The one obtained on a student visa (J1?) did have a stamp. Notice that US SS Cards don’t expire, that second one would still be valid if I hadn’t shredded it.

you are either mistaken or an error was made, then


Well, my wife’s social security card is identical to mine, other than the SSAN. Of course, DHS didn’t even exist back when she received it.