Whence the lefty hardon for McCain?

I’m very liberal, and I’d never vote for McCain because I disagree with his politics. But my impression of McCain is that he’s an honest person whose politics I disagree with, whereas my impression of Bush is that he’s a dishonest person whose politics I disagree with. Let me put it this way: at least with McCain, I can say that my only objections to him are political.

I like how you said that. I would add McCain is fairly intelligent and qualified and Bush is fairly stupid and has evil advisers. But I would probably just be considered a Bush Basher.

What I REALLY don’t get about the McCain love is the idea that he’s principled.

He was one of the Keating Five, fer cryin’ out loud!

You are ill informed and out of date.

From Wiki
This allegation set off a series of investigations by the California government, the United States Department of Justice, and the Senate Ethics Committee. The ethics committee’s investigation focused on five senators: Alan MacG. Cranston (D-Calif.); Dennis W. DeConcini (D-Ariz.); John H. Glenn Jr. (D-Ohio); John S. McCain III (R-Ariz.); and Donald W. Riegle Jr. (D-Mich), who became known as the Keating Five.

The ethics committee’s special counsel concluded that of the five, **Glenn ** (a former astronaut) and **McCain ** (a former war hero) **were not really involved ** in the influence-peddling scheme. Indeed, it was widely believed at the time that the Democratic party, which at the time controlled the Senate, wanted McCain – the only Republican in the group – to remain a target of the investigation in order to avoid the impression that the scandal was only a Democratic problem. As Glenn’s involvement with Keating was equivalent to McCain’s, the only reason that Glenn was made a subject of the investigation was to keep McCain in the suspected group. In August 1991, the committee concluded that Cranston, DeConcini, and Riegle’s conduct constituted substantial interference with the FHLBB’s enforcement efforts and that they had done so at the behest of Charles Keating. The committee recommended censure for Cranston and criticized the other four for “questionable conduct.”

Bolding above was mine. Try Googling the Keating Five for a lot more details
