Where are all the rich people fleeing from?

Ulaanbaatar showed up in this context on House Hunters International one time.

Hah! I’ll have to tell them. They watch the various House Hunter shows all the time.

*Where have all the rich folk gone
Long time passing
Where have all the rich folk gone
Long time ago

Where have all he rich folk gone,
Living now in Ulaanbaatar.
When will they ever learn
When will they ever learn?*

Some are middle class people (maybe from a suburb, maybe from the midwest) who went to college, then got a job at someplace like Facebook or Google and became rich (relative to 95% of the US, maybe not relative to their neighbors) in the process.

I wouldn’t say a lot of geographic areas are being left behind, but a lot of careers are. Meaning: cities that are losing population aren’t losing it because the cities are undesirable in some inherent way, but because there are better jobs in other cities. You could live in Tulsa and repair trucks for 30 years, or move to Seattle and work on Nintendo game consoles or building robots for Amazon or designing new jetliners-- a lot of young people are choosing option B, and college is more attainable than ever to get there.

Just a note on this: I know the small towns in South Dakota where I am from are seeing more black families move there. They like the peace and quiet plus the MUCH lower cost of living. I know one man from LA who told me he plans to retire there. LINK to article: South Dakota black population doubles in past decade