Where do YOU keep YOUR Hide-A-Key?

I’ve lost 4 of those damned magnetic boxes over the past 2 years. I gave up on that, and now keep all of my spare keys in places where I’m most likely to be. I have a set hidden in the back of the safe at work, 2 sets at home, a set at Scott’s house, and a set in my glove compartment. I’ve yet to discover the point of keeping them locked inside my car though…a lot of good that will do me…

My parents, for a very long time, had a nail about four feet to the right of the front door from which they hung the key to said door. I don’t know why they even had a key, let alone a key hanging THERE - the only time the front door was ever locked is when they were gone overnight or for a weekend.

My grandparents, when out for the night, were religious about locking the front door…despite the fact the door could be unlocked by turning the knob rapidly back and forth, was made of glass, and the front and rear patio doors were rarely (if ever) locked.

As to keeping a spare set of keys around…I have AAA to get me out of my fixes, which are MUCH less common now. At one time I was CONSTANTLY locking my keys in my car, usually occuring after my vacations home. I’d return to DC or Miami or Honolulu and leave my keys in my ignition (like I do when I go home) and lock my doors (like I do when I live in DC or Miami) :eek:

My Grandfather (when he used to drive) had about 15 keys hidden all over his car. He drilled all these little holes in the underside of his car, fitted little hooks in them, and hung the keys off them. We were very concerned by the one ON HIS FUELTANK.

Grandfather doesn’t drive anymore.

My spare key is on my father’s keychain. So if I ever get locked out, I just have to walk to his house, and hope he’s home…

I always do that joke thing. 'specticles, testicles, wallet and watch". Only I go wallet, watch, keys. I do it each and every single time I leave car, house, etc. And if that were to fail I’d cell up one of my several friends who has a set and they’d come and rescue me. I also have a lock box on my front door for those.

Having fun Sue?

Best solution to the house key - we had a keypad for our garage door. As long as there was power, we could get in. It was great for our daughter - she didn’t have to worry about taking her key to school. We don’t have hidden car keys, and so far, it hasn’t mattered… having said that, I expect within a week or so that this will come back and bite me.

Dude! You never cease to amaze me with your neverending talents.

I don’t know what this says about my interpersonal relationship skills but whenever someones asks me for the umpteenth time where something is they’ve lost, I am prone to answer “If it was up your butt you’d know”

So is it any surprise that I keep my spare house key up my gargoyle’s butt? JFTR it’s not some cute lil statue sitting on a slab of limestone, it’s a real honest to god monster that’ll take your hand off if * you* try to retreive it. So don’t get any ideas. :smiley:

Wow! I didn’t expect that one. But it wouldn’t work at my house. My dad would come over and take out a baggie he keeps for his own dog, and it’s end-of-key.

Heaven knows we need one. Hubby left early for work one day. The one day I had walked down to the corner restaurant to meet a friend for breakfast. He left after I did and I didn’t take my keys.

I ended up having to kick in the basement window (not the glass - just the window) and slither down into the basement, trying not to put my foot in the cat box or get covered with spiders. Icky. Spiders on me.

I have not, as yet, learned my lesson, cause we still don’t have a key outside.

I tap my pockets where I keep my wallet and keys frequently. It’s gotten me a date once; the girl knew me only as “that guy who’s always grabbing his ass and thigh as he walks” and eventually had to ask just what I was doing.

I’m trying to decide if it’s a good or bad idea that I’m more discreet about my checks now.

This all reminds me of Find your Mr. T name.

I have keys. So does my SO and my sister (who both live here). I have one loose set that usually goes in my pocket, and one spare set that attaches to my daytimer. Should all of this fail, my best friend keeps emergency spare keys at her place.

I ain’t got no spare key. And my one set, I keep in my trouser pocket. When I don’t have my trousers on, I have to remember what trousers I was wearing the day before (or last time I was wearing any trousers, whatever) and check those pockets. What if I’m wearing a skirt? Your guess is as good as mine.
Hehe, I just like saying “trousers”.

Wow! Sadly I usually do mine in a completely empty hallway. Or if I’m on the bus I do it really discretely so people don’t think that I think that they might be the criminal type who’d swipe it. I say do it with gusto!

I keep two sets of keys, and carry them both around with me. I never take both sets out of my pocket at the same time when I’m outside my apartment unless I’ve accidentally locked one set up somewhere–and then I’ve got the spare on me.

I also carry a pick or two, just in case.

Growing up (in a city) we never locked the doors to the house unless we were going to be gone for more than three days and that still wasn’t very helpful because we would open a window so that the cats could get in and out.

The only reason I lock my apartment door now is that my wife would throw a fit otherwise. When I was single I never locked my apartments doors.

I’ve never locked myself out of my home or my car or my office or my filing cabinets.

I don’t have any spare keys, let alone hide-a-keys. I’ve also never been burgled.