Where does your ‘willing suspension of disbelief’ stop?

I don’t understand why a Phillip’s head screw is something that could only exist on Earth.

I actually never noticed the Philips head screws before, but now that I know, I’ve got to reimagine the whole saga. :wink:

This is the perfect example of something I would never, ever notice in a film, and, not coincidentally, my own writing. It’s just not how my brain works. But nobody’s reading my books for the scientific theory.

Well, on other planets it’s not called a Phillips head screwdriver, it’s called

…a screwdriver.

(They skipped over evolving a blade screwdriver.)

According to Canadians, it’s because advanced technological aliens would be using screws with a Robertson head.

Exactly, Phillips screws exist in the US but no intelligent civilization would ever have considered them.

Okay, now I’m even more confused. What’s the problem with real-world Philp’s head screws?

The episode where Monk and Natalie are trapped on board a submarine was on the other night. They get tricked into walking into a ballast tank just before it floods.

I’ve been on three submarines (German, Soviet, American), and not once did I notice a compartment labeled DO NOT OPEN: ENTRANCE TO BALLAST TANK.

Of course, the submarine makes an emergency ascent just in time to keep them from drowning. :roll_eyes:

Any of them have screen doors?

From what I hear, one of them must have (the Foxtrot). It sank in the middle of the Atlantic while en route to the US.

It’s really cool that Bosch has that high-end turn table, tube amp and speakers to listen to his jazz records. They would sound even better if they were actually connected by something other than non-existent cables.

I’m sure that he uses the same technology that allows characters to use their laptops forever without even having a charge anywhere in the vicinity.

I doubt that I have EVER seen a laptop in a movie or series where it was being charged.

OTOH, cell phones always have low battery conditions when essential to the plot. (Of course we never see them being charged except when they are completely dead. Most characters just leave them unplugged on the nightstand when they turn in.)

I’ve been wondering that myself and have been waiting for an explanation that never seems to come. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Phillips head screws have a tendency to cam out. There is some debate if this is a feature or a bug.

Feature, since that was one of the design specs.

** Cross-head or Phillips screws have an X-shaped slot and are driven by a cross-head screwdriver , designed originally in the 1930s for use with mechanical screwing machines, intentionally made so the driver will ride out, or cam out, under strain to prevent over-tightening.*

From here.

(Off topic but just to answer the question)

Philips screws are very easy to install with the correct power screwdriver - you just press the button and the driver automatically cams out at the correct tightness, no over- or under- tightening.

The problem is that the same cam-out function works against you when you’re trying to remove a stuck Philips screw. And if you don’t have exactly the right size and shape of Philips screwdriver to hand it gets a whole lot harder. And with a mis-fitting screwdriver it’s really easy to chew up the slot to the point where no screwdriver will ever shift it. Then you’re left drilling the thing out.

I understand, but given I’m Mr. Hoity-Toity when it comes to tool selection, I’m pretty careful to use the correct sized bit for the correct sized head, and not to confuse a Philips-head with a Reed-Prince. A way of mitigating cam-out is the use of a speed-handle, which allows you to exert a great deal of downward pressure on the tip, or get one of those screwdrivers that have a hex built into the shaft just below the handle, so you can apply a wrench with one hand, while bearing down hard on the other.

I’ll gladly take the stability of a Philips head over the dancing around of the straight slot type. If and when you do get a screw head so boogered up and stripped, I find it’s much easier to drill out than a straight slot screw.

I’m assuming that, when you assemble a light saber, you just screw in the Phillips head screw by using The Force.

I recently saw a movie where the lap top running out of power was a plot point , probably not a major spoiler but hidden anyway

cosmos a low budget but pretty decent sci fi movie about some astronomers running a personal project picking up some strange signals

No one will debate that a straight slot is better than a Philips. The debate is that the Robertson is better than the Philips!