Where have you been hiding, Trader Joe's?

Ah, if I only had stock in TJ’s! For low carbers, they have wonderful low carb tortillas. But I noticed that TJ’s in northern VA does not have those pre-made salads like the ones in CA. Hopefully that’s changed or is changing.

My TJ’s is sort of a secret TJ’s also. It would be impossible to explain here, but its location is, well, odd.
Impossible to explain to someone who hasn’t lived here for years. You can see it, but unless you know the secret entrance, you might drive in circles for hours, never reaching its hallowed aisles.
Knighted Vorpal Sword could back me up. It’s just not easy to get to. And I like it that way. :wink:

For those of you keeping score, there are 5 Trader Joe’s locations in Massachusetts. While my Trader Joe’s addicted wife is happy about this, living in central NH means that we have to plan ahead or call each other up and say ‘I’m in Massachusetts…do we need anything?’.

Apparently there are no plans to open a TJs in NH because of the liquor laws. In NH the state is responsible for selling all hard liquor and mom and pop shops sell beer and wine. But the state is responsible for purchasing all beer and wine that is sold as well. This means that unique brands (like TJs) have a harder time getting onto store shelves.

I do hope they change their minds some day.

It occurs to me while reading this thread that the marketing dept at TJs should take a gander. Get this much possitive testimonial info is worth its weight in gold.

I checked - they’re privately-owned.

Probably better that way - nobody can make them change because they have a bad quarter, or because earnings aren’t growing as fast as the stockholders would like, or whatever.

But I’d still like to own a piece of TJ’s. :slight_smile:

Haven’t seen them at the Annapolis store, but then (like a number of things people have mentioned in this thread) I hadn’t known to look for them, and I’m still just discovering what they’ve got.

I’ve gone through this thread and made a list of stuff to look for on my next visit. :slight_smile:

While we’re talking about ‘secret’ TJ’s stores:

The Annapolis store is hidden in plain sight. There’s an old strip mall, where the Circuit City is, down past the Annapolis Mall. There’s a sign at the entrance to the mall that includes a sign for Trader Joe’s. Then you get into the parking lot in front of Circuit City and look around, and it’s nowhere to be seen. You have the illusion of being able to see everything in the strip mall, and it’s not there.

It’s in a building out in the middle of the parking lot, but the storefronts face inward toward the rest of the strip mall, way from the street. The building’s just a blank white cinderblock building on three sides - and they’re the three sides that you’d see if you weren’t already going to somewhere in the strip mall besides Circuit City. (And there’s little reason to go to most of those shops, IMHO.)

I’m sure I drove right by it, in the parking lot, at least twice between first hearing about TJ’s, and the time I finally found it, without having any idea that it was there.

Oh, yass! How can I sing the praises of TJ cocao almonds? To eat one is to experience a pleasure like no other. They have powers beyond the most potent narcotic. If everyone could eat TJ cocao almonds there would be no more war…

I thought I’d send them a link to this thread, but unfortunately…

Actually, I think the cocoa almonds are the best thing at TJ’s. I love the cheeses and the frozen food, and may the gods forbid that I ever run out of their French Roast; but I can get food or coffee anywhere (though not as inexpensive or as good). Cocoa almonds come only from Trader Joe’s!

I try to remember to take a couple pounds of TJ’s cocoa almonds to my friend in Hoquiam, WA when I visit her. She eats them sparingly so as to make them last. Seattle is just too far for her to go; but I try to hook her up from time to time.

I just moved to Seattle a year ago, and I am such a TJ’s fan! I agree with the frozen asparagas-I served it at a party this weekend and got raves for it. They have the greatest selection of nuts and seeds (mmmmmm-pepetas) ever, and the Triple Ginger Snaps with the little chunks of ginger root in them are so good!!! :smiley:
And last night we feasted on reeeallly cheap (and tasty) buffalo burgers!

I haul them to Michigan for my junkies, I hope I’m not violating any controlled substance act. :smiley:

Since I’m trying to lose weight right now, I’ve mostly avoided the goodies at TJ’s.

But Triple Ginger Snaps??? Ginger snaps, even generic ones, are my addiction. I’ve gotta try these suckers. I anticipate a mystical experience.

How, exactly, am I supposed to hold off until Saturday for my next TJ’s run? The list of must-try items keeps getting longer and longer!

A few years ago the Natural Foods Merchandiser trade mag had an interesting article about Trader Joes. The online story may still be out there somewhere.

Anyway, TJs is very guarded about giving out any organizational information and hold their private label suppliers to strict requirements. Many of the Trader Joe branded products are either the same or even superior to the name brand stuff sold elsewhere. Vendors who have their act together enjoy working with Trader Joes because they pay in cash and implement an intense inventory and fulfillment system.

The story also talks about how new products get developed–now being a taster would be a fun job.

Another big fan of Trader Joe’s here - I was very very happy when they opened stores in the Chicago area. They have about the best prices on nuts that I’ve seen anywhere - particularly macadamias at about $4 for 12 oz.

We have two (2), yes that’s TWO, in town! And one is just minutes away from me right now.

I get my limpy dog, Patch, his Glucosamine/Condroitin supplement there - 100 in a bottle for only $6.99. I was very dissappointed when they discontinued the $1.99 orange dog shampoo.

RTFirefly - don’t even try to be strong. Those triple ginger snaps are calling you!:smiley:
and, not only the buffalo burgers (try 'em with Monterey Steak seasoning-yum), you can impress the hell outta yourself and your friends with frozen Ahi Tuna Frajitas (it’s a kit) and the scallops from Chili!

goin’ there tonite:D

Don’t worry, I’ve already acknowledged that resistance is useless.

I’m just bemoaning the fact that, since there’s no TJ’s particularly close to either home or work, I probably won’t be able to squeeze in a TJ’s run before Saturday.

hmmm, RTFirefly,
munch, munch
'at’s a bummer
(brushes crumbs off keyboard)

SamClem, if you’re out there, I apologize for the wrong name. I guess I’m turning into my mother. She always gets names wrong as well. I’m brunette, so I can’t even blame my hair for this. . . .

They have them in AZ and so I was really excited when I saw that they also have them in NoVa :smiley:

Even better yet, the Trader Joe’s in NJ is on the way back from Zagara’s. Sweet!

The wife and I are going to grab a bite in Old Town Alexandria after work (at the Cajun Bangkok, for you No.Va. types), and then on to the TJ’s in Old Town.

I’ve got my list all ready. Thanks, all, for the great recommendations! :slight_smile: