Where to complain about moderation

Okay, since you are fairly new here, I’ve moved your post to “about this message board”, also known as “ATMB”

This is the only forum where you are allowed to complain about moderation. It’s against our rules to complain within the original thread.

Check out.

(Also in ATMB)

You did not respond to an email. You responded to my post, in the thread. But they do look similar in this software.

My post did clearly show i was a moderator, as the first word was “moderating” and the whole post was highlighted in “staff color”, which is yellow in the skin i use. But it can be hard to see in some skins.

Here’s the post for reference. Notice that it is really really obvious that i was moderating.

Also, if you look to the right of my name you can see a little icon of a half shield. That means I’m a moderator.