Where Were You for Your Decade Years?

10- SE Michigan
20- SE Michigan
30- Officially living in Chicago, actually spent my 30th in a hotel room in Iowa while there for work
40- West Michigan

For me, a different state every decade.

10 - Oregon MO
20 - Pittsburg KS
30 - Austin TX
40 - San Jose CA
50 - Memphis TN
60 - Olive Branch MS

I’ve lived in 27 residences in 15 cities in 8 states.

0-10: Juneau, AK
10-20: Anchorage, AK
20-30: Vietnam; Adak,Ak; California; Idaho
30-40: Washington; California; Massachusetts; WDC; Germany
40-50: Germany; Belgium; WDC; Lisbon; Mali; Uganda
50-60: Alaska
60-70: Alaska; Oregon

The decade years have all been Southern California. I’ve lived other places, but was always back in SoCal for the ages ending in “0.”

10 - Dayton, OH
20 - Cincinnati, OH (and some time spent in Gaithersburg, MD)
30 - Kettering, OH
40 - Champaign County, OH
50 - Champaign County, OH

10: Bronx, New York
20: Ithaca, New York
30: Boulder, Colorado
40: Washington, DC (though I spent about 6 months in Panama
50: Panama City, Panama
60: Panama City, Panama (though I celebrated my birthday with my family in New York)

10 - Eastlake, Ohio, in the suburbs of Cleveland
20 - Kent, Ohio
30 - Emporia, Kansas
40 and 50 - here in Maryland

10: Springfield, Illinois
20: Either Springfield, Illinois or Macomb, Illinois - I was in one of those cities or the other on that date, not sure which.
30: Loami, Illinois.
40: Springfield, Illinois.

10: San Jose, CA
20: El Dorado County, CA
30 and 40 (and likely forever): Sacramento, CA

10, 20: Johnstown, PA
30: Denver, CO
40: Paris, France
50, 60: Houston, TX area

Pretty sure I’m done moving.

10 - Pyeongtaek, South Korea
20 - Golden, CO
30 - Golden, CO

When you look at it that way my life seems more stable then it actually is.

Born in Chicago.

Then -

10 - Central Ill.
20 - Denver
30 - Denver
40 - Central Colorado Mountains. Closest town anyone would recognize is Breckenridge.
50 - Same as above.

Same house for 26 years. Still working on it, it never really ends. When you buy a house, you buy a job. But it is mine. Free and clear. :smiley:

10 in Kansas
20 in California/Texas/Massachusetts
from 30 on out I’ve been in Kansas.

Hmmm, let me think.

Indiana, Indiana, Indiana.

I’m guessing the next one will be Indiana.

10 in Western NY
20 in Massachussettes
30 San Diego, CA
40 Connecticut
50 Long Island NY

0 Louisville, KY
10 Fern Creek, KY
20 Elizabethtown, KY
30 Lexington, KY
40 Lexington, KY
50 Manhattan, NY

I lived in Pittsburgh and St Louis for most of my 20s, but it didn’t overlap either decade.

I turned 20 while in college in Urbana, IL. But every other decade birthday has been in Sweet Home Chicago.

0-10 Texas and Taiwan
10-20 Taiwan and Virginia
20-30 New York, Virginia and Texas

10- Winston-Salem NC
20- either Winston-Salem NC or Greenville NC or Valdese NC = my b-day is in early June and I don’t remember if I was still at college, at my family home or at my summer job
30- New York City
40- New York City
50- Milford PA ( I was still living in NYC but staying out of town with friends on the actual day)
60- Winston-Salem NC ( still living in NYC but visiting family on the actual day).