Which 2015 films will get nominated for the Best Picture Oscar?

I voted for The Revanant, and I hope Leo wins as he is a fine actor and has waited too long.

I agree. But it’s popularity means it wont get a Nom. The Academy is made up of people who hate people who see movies. They want 100% artsy crap.

Look at the winner for 2011: The Artist - a 2011 French romantic comedy-drama in the style of a black-and-white silent film. It grossed a mere $44MM, placing it 71st.

Really? Then explain the Best Picture awards to Rocky, Forrest Gump, Titanic and The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King.

I don’t. At all. If you think about it, his obsession with winning one has made him star in plenty of quality films (if a bit oscar-baity). Scorcese can do practically any movie he wants since he’s got a giant movie star backing him.

Would you like to see Leo starring in bad romantic comedies? Michael Bay blockbusters? Vanity projects? No thanks.

That’s because Academy members just love movies about film-making.

Huh. I wonder if we could do a biopic of that relentlessly driven guy, showing his willingness to do whatever it takes and knack for devouring raw bison liver?

No actor nods for Hardy/Theron from Mad Max? Mediocre…

Of all those listed, I have only seen The Big Short, The Martian, and Ex Machina. I don’t know why Ex Machina is even on the list.

There’s always at least one truly terrible film that gets some kind of minor nod. 50 Shades of Grey is now an oscar nominated movie.

2003, 1997, 1994, and 1976.

I watched ‘The Big Short’ tonight but unless you’d been wandering around in the mid 2000s, looking up to the sky and contemplating the end of the world in your bare feet, you’ll probably not appreciate as much as some do.

Oh hey, did you happen to hear how tough it was on the set? They don’t talk about it much.

How is that supposed to explain your theory that the Academy wants “100% artsy crap”? Especially with nominations this year for Mad Max ($153 million domestic, $375 worldwide) and The Martian ($226 million domestic, $597 worldwide)? Inside Out ($356 million, $856 worldwide) was nominated for Best Animated film, though I do think it should have been in the Best Picture category as well.

I guess you would prefer the Best Picture nominees to include Jurassic World, Avengers: Age of Ultron, Furious 7, Minions, Mockingjay Part 2, Ciderella & Spectre…