Which is the most dangerous of the Hawks ? US'ers opinion.

Oh come on Hamlet, everyone knows Probie was much more deadly in the blood-red winged wheel, jacked out of his mind on coke after an all-nighter at the Landing Strip :wink:

Am I the only one who came in here to say: Harpy Eagle?

I won’t reply to an OP that doesn’t know what the people in my country are called. Sheesh.

I’m with Reeder on this one (now * there’s * something you don’t hear every day).
Karl Rove. He’s the guy who will give GWB another 4 years. He’s a very bad man.

Yes, he’s in hiding so deep that he’s buried himself inside the studio of Meet the Press. In fact, he hid there with Tim Russert for an entire hour this morning. A veritable man of mystery.

This is at least the fourth or fifth time his hidden away on TV sound stages in the last couple of months. I suggest we organize a search party.

Rove, Wolfowitz, and Perle all seem equally threatening to peace and prosperity to me.

Spavined Gelding hit the nail on the head. GW wins hands down. The others could spin their daydreams all they want but without GW to order them executed nothing would happen.

I don’t know whether or not GW has the agenda mentioned or whether it is the agenda of his advisors and he lacks the common sense needed to say,“Are you guys nuts?”

Either way, I think GW borders on a disaster and recovery from his term(s?) in office will be long and painful.