Which National Anthem is the most "National" ?

The Polish national anthem mentions Poland itself several times. The basic gist of the anthem is something like ‘Poland don’t start no shit, but Poland don’t take no shit.’

Anvilania’s national anthem mentions itself several times, but I fell asleep and lost count.

Anvilania national anthem

I count six mentions in both Poland’s and Austria’s national anthems. Of course, Poland has it in the chorus, and Austria apparently just loves repetition. So no points for creativity.

Incidentally, I can’t read Denmark’s national anthem without imagining it being read by Orson Welles.

How about the old Confederate States of America national anthem?

*God save the South, God save the South,
Her altars and firesides, God save the South!
Now that the war is nigh, now that we arm to die,
Chanting our battle cry, “Freedom or death!”
Chanting our battle cry, “Freedom or death!”

God be our shield, at home or afield,
Stretch Thine arm over us, strengthen and save.
What tho’ they’re three to one, forward each sire and son,
Strike till the war is won, strike to the grave!
Strike till the war is won, strike to the grave!

God made the right stronger than might,
Millions would trample us down in their pride.
Lay Thou their legions low, roll back the ruthless foe,
Let the proud spoiler know God’s on our side.
Let the proud spoiler know God’s on our side.

Hark honor’s call, summoning all.
Summoning all of us unto the strife.
Sons of the South, awake! Strike till the brand shall break,
Strike for dear Honor’s sake, Freedom and Life!
Strike for dear Honor’s sake, Freedom and Life!

Rebels before, our fathers of yore.
Rebel’s the righteous name Washington bore.
Why, then, be ours the same, the name that he snatched from shame,
Making it first in fame, foremost in war.
Making it first in fame, foremost in war.

War to the hilt, theirs be the guilt,
Who fetter the free man to ransom the slave.
Up then, and undismay’d, sheathe not the battle blade,
Till the last foe is laid low in the grave!
Till the last foe is laid low in the grave!

God save the South, God save the South,
Dry the dim eyes that now follow our path.
Still let the light feet rove safe through the orange grove,
Still keep the land we love safe from Thy wrath.
Still keep the land we love safe from Thy wrath.

God save the South, God save the South,
Her altars and firesides, God save the South!
For the great war is nigh, and we will win or die,
Chanting our battle cry, “Freedom or death!”
Chanting our battle cry, “Freedom or death!”*
Libya also kicks some serious ass.

*God is greatest!
God is greatest!
He is above plots of the aggressors,
And He is the best helper of the oppressed.
With faith and with weapons I shall defend my country,
And the light of truth will shine in my hand.
Sing with me!
Sing with me!
God is greatest!
God is greatest!
God, God, God is greatest!
God is above the aggressors.

O world, look up and listen!
The enemy’s army is coming,
Wishing to destroy me.
With truth and with my gun I shall repulse him.

And should I be killed,
I would kill him with me.
Sing with me -
Woe to the Imperialists!
And God is above the treacherous tyrant.
God is greatest!
Therefore glorify Him, O my country,
And seize the forehead of the tyrant
And destroy him!*
I wonder if there are any national anthems that call for the destruction of other countries? I’d half-expect some “Death to America” references in the national anthems of North Korea or Iran, but fortunately they’re lacking. Any “Death to Israel” references in the national anthems of the Middle East?

Another bloody national anthem: Mexicans, to the War Cry

*Mexicans, when the war cry is heard,
Have sword and bridle ready.
Let the earth’s foundations tremble
At the loud cannon’s roar.

May the divine archangel crown your brow,
Oh fatherland, with an olive branch of peace,
For your eternal destiny has been written
In heaven by the finger of God.
But should a foreign enemy
Dare to profane your soil with his tread,
Know, beloved fatherland, that heaven gave you
A soldier in each of your sons.


War, war without truce against who would attempt
to blemish the honor of the fatherland!
War, war! The patriotic banners
saturate in waves of blood.
War, war! On the mount, in the vale
The terrifying cannon thunder
and the echoes nobly resound
to the cries of union! liberty!


Fatherland, before your children become unarmed
Beneath the yoke their necks in sway,
May your countryside be watered with blood,
On blood their feet trample.
And may your temples, palaces and towers
crumble in horrid crash,
and their ruins exist saying:
The fatherland was made of one thousand heroes here.


Fatherland, oh fatherland, your sons vow
To give their last breath on your altars,
If the trumpet with its warlike sound
Calls them to valiant battle.
For you, the garlands of olive,
For them, a glorious memory.
For you, the victory laurel*

Not a national anthem, but Maryland’s is pretty bloodthirsty (and mentions the state’s name four times in each verse): Maryland, My Maryland - Wikipedia

It’s not exactly a national anthem- it’s just what they play before Scottish international rugby/football matches- but Flower of Scotland includes the world Scotland twice (plus the euphemism Hill and Glen twice), and is all about Robert the Bruce’s victory of Edward II at Bannockburn:

Must be the only anthem which mentions a national of another country* by name.

*well, it was another country for a while after Bannockburn, at any rate.

Are there any that mention other ethnicities, nationalities, in a context of “we’ll kick their ass!”? I’m not talking about something vague like “drive the capitalists to the sea” themes of some post-Colonial African anthems, but implied like “we prepare our mighty armies to wage war with the north” or a direct mention like “vengeance will be ours against the Belgian menace”.

Fun national anthem article:


And, to top it off, a Doper runs that site!

Specifically, this Doper. blush

Thanks, Captain Amazing for the free advertising for my site from someone other than me!

I’ll send you my bill later.