Which Party balanced the Budget in the 1990's?

Offhand, I would speculate that neither party balanced the budget, the tech stocks boom did.

And then we went into the pit when a) the bubble burst & b) the GOP decided that growth was eternal (despite the bubble bursting) & slashed taxes, even gave tax rebates, so we wouldn’t have annoying surpluses.

So the GOP unbalanced it, anyway.

OK, now everyone take a minute to imagine how the budget would have turned out if there had been a President Gore. I kinda don’t think he would have blown up the store.

What do you suppose he would have done?


They used to be…

Yeah, I can believe that the GOP were fiscally conservative[sup]1[/sup] in the 1990’s, when they lacked the White House. Funny how they stopped being so once a Pubbie was Prez.

  1. (Albeit occasionally short-sighted; see the ham-handed attempt at Soviet-style central planning to avoid a health care “glut” in the 1990’s, leading to a shortage dymanic in that sector over the next 15 years. Bad enough the socialistic Canucks with their universal Medicare fell for this; where was GOP respect for market demand?)