Which Witch to Watch?

You want your eye candy witch, you gotta go with Elvira, Mistress of the Dark.

Odd. My daughter would instantly say the sisters on Charmed, but nobody here has mentioned them so far.

The young Samantha certainly gets my vote. Followed by Elvira and Sabrina.

EDIT: Yes, the sisters have been mentioned. My mistake! :smack:

Does Galadriel from LOTR count, Elf-Witch-Queen? If so, she gets my vote.

I assume “TV witch” means “witch on a TV show”.

I think Spike would agree with me: Tabitha Lennox from Passions is the most watchable.

Hands down, I would say Samantha Stevens. But I freely admit I’ve not seen any TV witches since that time.

Well to be fair, it could have meant Transvestite Witch. There must be a few of them around.

(Paul Lynd?)

Was she supposed to be a witch?

Kinda sorta I guess. I don’t know that it was ever really specified. Certainly, she was a witchy woman.

Uncle Arthur. He was a witch and a bitch.

Or maybe Jessica Lange in a couple days. We’ll have to see.

Has to be the Scarlet Witch