White colonials should consider how their whining about immigration looks

Goalpost moving much? So now we have to factor in the desire of the prospective immigrants to show that the overwhelmingly non-white stream is somehow white? The fact is, immigration to the US is largely non-white. Something I am entirely fine with, btw, what bothers me is the counter factual assertion that it isn’t.
And by the way, having been one, I can assure you that there is, in fact, strong desire in at least some middle class Europeans to move to or work in the US.
Again, if you want to argue that the US acts in ways to keep some white power structure in place, Immigration is not the example to make the point.

Why, when it is exactly the desires to protect the “white race” that the laws were even put in place to begin with?

It may not be as obvious now that what is “white” has expanded, but besides handwaving this away what do you have to support your above claim?

The actual impetus behind these laws was directly related to protecting the “white identity”. Race has always been the primary reason behind immigration laws, not pure number restrictions.

No, not at all. We are talking about the difficulties of an individual who decides that they want to come to the US. You keep going on about how it must be easier, because there are more from Central America than from Europe. I am pointing out where you are wrong. Goal posts have not been moved an inch.

No, you are now moving the goalposts to the numbers of people who come here from other countries. I set them specifically at the relative difficulty of an individual who wants to come here.

Then go complain to someone who has made that claim. Maybe out in a field somewhere, keeping the crows at bay, you will find your interlocutor with this assertion.

Anecdotal evidence that is backed by my anecdotal evidence of knowing a number of Lithuanians who immigrated here.

Still, they had a desire to come here. They could have stayed where they were, and lived okay lives. They came here because they wanted to live better lives.

This is different from many Central American refugees, who are not living okay lives, and they are coming here because they don’t think that they or their families will survive staying. That’s not a desire, that’s desperation.

It actually is, when you look at the changes to policies that Trump and his supporters are supporting. Many of our immigration policies were created with racist intent, and the fact that they no longer have as racist effect doesn’t change the intent when they were created. It also doesn’t change the fact that they want to change the policies to have a more racist outcome.

Do you somehow deny that Trump’s rhetoric about ending chain migration, and changing the merit system to have more of a focus on English than on actual skills, and even his desire to end birthright citizenship are not ways of acting to keep the white power structure in place?

Germany invaded Poland approximately 30 years before I was born. I made no comments on what is “fine with me” nor what is “justified”. But it’s a fact that modern England, France, Germany and Italy didn’t become nations because everyone loved each other so much they decided to form a country.

I never said anything remotely like that, you full of shit mental patient.

Not that I know of, Yes, Yes, Not that I know of. Yes, and Yes.