Who does more of the breaking up: Men, or Women?

We do? How?

Oh, for me - I’m a guy; I broke up 7 times, she did 4.

And 0 of my 2 children are the product of an affair.

I broke up
I broke up
I broke up
I broke up
I broke up
She broke up
She broke up

Either things are going in the wrong direction or I’m getting more typical.

I’ve ended all but one of the 7 or 8 semi- to very-serious relationships that I’ve had since I was about 15 (I’m 23 now.) The only one to dump me, which was about four years ago, I have recently gotten back together with. He said he made a mistake. I did try to dump him a couple of days ago. It didn’t really work. I still like him though. :slight_smile:

I’ve ended all but one of the 7 or 8 semi- to very-serious relationships that I’ve had since I was about 15 (I’m 23 now.) The only one to dump me, which was about four years ago, I have recently gotten back together with. He said he made a mistake. I did try to dump him a couple of days ago. It didn’t really work. I still like him though. :slight_smile:

I think that it’s about even.

As for stats, I never dumped a girlfriend. I simply don’t think its the right thing to do, or maybe I just made better choices ?

The second relationship of my life ended just yesterday. Both times, it was the girl/woman who broke up with me.

Tamex is right. We do most of the breaking up in theory, but… men mentally iniate the breakup by being annoying and frustrating. They decide they want to break-up in their heads then go about being as annoying as possible until we can’t stand it anymore and dump them. So it looks like it’s us who dump, but there is more to it!!
It’s a cunning plan, well thought out by men. Congratulations men, you got us again!!

It’s about 50/50 for me. 7 relationships, and the bf dumped me 4 of the times, I dumped him 3 of the times.

An old friend of mine and I were talking and kept complaining about how unhappy he was in his relationship but he wouldn’t break up with her because he’d never done that before. He was just withdrawling and being pissy to her. I finally convinced him that to be honest was to tell her how he felt. Continuing to date her because he lacked the courage to break up was kind of deceitful.

Most people I know are about fifty-fifty with break-ups gender wise. But that stats on here sound very much in favor of girls as the dumper.

All but two I did the breaking up.

Hmmmm… of all the guys I’ve dated halfway seriously (i.e. exclusively and for more than a couple of weeks), starting at age 15 (I’m 34 now):

He dumped me

I dumped him (after he cheated on me)

He dumped me

Mutual (well, sort of - I was leaving the country for the semester, and he propositioned my roommate while I was gone)

He dumped me (never officially, but I would say disappearing off the face of the earth right after his cousin told me he’d had a baby with another woman, including ignoring a registered letter, qualifies…long story)

Mutual (he got on my nerves, and we just stopped calling each other)

I dumped him

Mutual (sort of, again - he was leaving the country, possibly for good, and he said it probably wasn’t a good idea for either of us to harbor any delusions…we are still friends)

I dumped him, after he cheated on me (OK, far too long after he cheated on me - call it temporary insanity)

He dumped me

He dumped me, but we remained in this on-and-off, quasi-friends, quasi-dating thing for a number of months, until a couple of weeks ago when he offered (unsolicited, I might add) to help me move and then disappeared off the face of the earth

If anyone can figure out how to tabulate the above statistics, please clue me in!

Long pause covering high school, college, grad school, law school, and three years of working. And then:

  1. She dumped me.

  2. Mutual (though I would say the impetus was more from me - I reluctantly agreed to continue seeing her after expressing profound unhappiness, only to have her say it’s over the next time we were to go out. I seriously think the only reason she insisted that we still see each other was so that she could get credit for the breakup)

  3. I dumped her after an episode of extreme psychosis on her part

  4. Still going strong, marriage is imminent.

I personally think that the question needs a qualifier as to when the “breakup” occurs. I think in the initial stages of the relationship, it’s probably about equal if you count things like not returning phone calls. As time goes on, I think the woman is more likely to do the breaking up. But YMMV.

In my single pre-marriage relationship, which lasted for several years, she cheated on me twice and then we mutually decided to break up.

Why in the hell did I stay with her … ?