Who is the least stupid person on television?

Yeah. Blew that one.

Jim Rockford

Al Swearengen from Deadwood was a clever, if evil man. Though things didn’t work out his way every time, it was never because he was an idiot.

Wilson on House.

But he surrounded himself by those numbnuts. A smarter man would have realized he was hanging out with the wrong crowd.

But he harbored an ambition that he knew was wrong and got him killed. You know, the one about attending the ceremony at the temple of heaven thingy.

Continues to hang out with House even though House does things like break into his apartment and throw Wilson’s phone out the window and delete his TiVo. Clearly not all that smart.

I nominate Officer Pete Malloy of ADAM-12

Well, in Blackadder Goes Forth he didn’t have a choice. His unit was his unit - not his fault it was filled with imbeciles.

Sorry, but the image of Wilson stuck in House’s window while Hugh Laurie looked on bemusedly immediately came to mind.

He also had a chance to stop working for Zap but he kept talking about him so much that Lila finally just got rid of him.