Who uses phrase "Holy Cow"

Yep - “Holy cow!” “Holy Moses!” “Holy jeez!” “What the heck?” “Fer crine out loud!” and “DogGONE it!” are all expressions I use regularly. Grew up in the Chicago burbs with my true-blue, dyed-in-the-wool Cubs fan Dad, who was also a preacher’s kid and had to find alternative swear words.


They died that thine cheeseburger might live.


I use it in lieu of going “Holy shit!” in front of my kids.

Oh, and I probably picked it up from being bonked by nuns when I used unladylike language in front of people who are too sensitive to stomach unladylike language.

I picked up “Holy Mackerel Catfish!” from my brother. I have no idea where it came from, but I like it.

Also, re: “holy moly.” Captain Marvel said this because his whole background was one of Greek mythology, and the moly plant was a magical herb sacred to Hermes. Trivia fun.

Sounds like a reworking/conflating of “Holy Mack’el” from The Kingfish.

I use it all the time. Along with many of the “Holy’s” in this thread.

My favorite, though, is “Holy Batshit, Robin!”


I heard the expression long before I knew who Harry Caray or Scooter Rizzuto were. Somebody explained a connection to the Hindu belief that exalted souls were reincarnated as cows. YMMV.

Hah, I was thinking “Holy cow I…” as I clicked to open MPSIMS, then saw this thread.

I do. I also say “Holy Cats.” I have no idea where all these saintly animules come from.

I do. It’s been part of me for as long as I can remember. It’s inoffensive and can be uttered in the company of all kinds of people.

One of my piano students, age 4 and a half, uses Holy Cow a lot. Also in her list of expressions is “Oh bother…” when she makes a mistake.

Smart kid, lots of fun to work with… and she comes up with the funniest things sometimes… :wink:

I use it. Don’t know why, except that I try really hard to curb bad language use in fron of the kids.

I use it. It doesn’t get me in nearly as much trouble as my former phrase of “Jesus F*cking Christ”.

I’m partial to Holy Guacamole, Holy Frijoles and Holy Cannolis, myself. Mmm … food …

I like the phrase Holy Cannolis also. But I got the expression from Phil Rizzuto also. Ben & Jerry’s even have/had a flavor called Holy Cannolis

I do too!!!

But then, I also say stuff like “okey-dokey” and “hunkey-dorey.”

I’m a very complex person.

Wasn’t Radar from MAS*H fornd of “Holey Toledo!”?

Klinger saidi that.

I say Holy Cow.