Who would hurt Obama's re-election chances the most?

What? Another Black candidate run against the first Black President? That’s not going to happen. Susanann put it indelicately, but essentially her analysis is correct. If there is a Black presidential hopeful out there, she or he will wait until 2016.

If there is a Democratic presidential hopeful out there, black or otherwise, she or he will wait until 2016.

I wouldn’t, however, put it past the Republicans to pull a Micheal Steele and throw a black face, even Uncle Ruckus wannabe Alan Keyes, in the mix. They’re not going to win anyway, so why not? The Republican party has pretty much become a caricature of itself when it comes to dealing with blacks anyway, so why not attempt yet another cynical ploy? Hey, it could actually help them.

I think you’re overestimating racial solidarity. After all, white candidates run against other white guys all the time.

Oprah. If Oprah went on her last TV show and said, “You know what, I was wrong, Mr Obama is a jerk, don’t vote for him.”

That would be the end for him :slight_smile:

Yes, because they know a white guy will win. When black guys win most of the time, things will change.

This. It would have to be someone who, when he/she steps up, is met with sighs of relief from both sides and sentiments like, “Well it’s about time you ran!”

I don’t know much about his politics, but Colin Powell comes to mind. He always struck me as being a reluctant player in the early Bush administration who distanced himself from it as soon as it was politically feasible to do so.

He’s too damaged by his complicity in the lies that led up to the Iraq war. He’s also, as far as I’m aware, not interested in the presidency.

Originally Posted by Inigo Montoya
I don’t know much about his politics, but Colin Powell comes to mind. He always struck me as being a reluctant player in the early Bush administration who distanced himself from it as soon as it was politically feasible to do so.

The Democrats dont like Colin Powell because he had too many Republican friends in his past, and the Republicans dont like him because Powell is way too liberal. Powell has no base.

You’re absolutely wrong. Powell’s Republican friends, to the sole extent of his association with them, have absolutely nothing to do with how I feel about him. Democrats, I believe, generally like Powell, and respect him. However, he was a dupe, he knows it, and I’m sure he’s going to have the guilt of it pressing on his heart for the rest of his life.

It’s difficult to excuse Powell’s part in justifying what he knew to be lies at the time. You could say he was placed in a no-win situation, and I can appreciate that, to a point. However, I think you have to stop being a soldier and speak up when you realize patently false assertions are being disseminated as facts.

Possibly, but if someone as ridiculous as The Newt can consider the office without being laughed out of the room, Powell would have a pretty good shot if he were a less decent guy.

I picked Harris, but in reality, I’m, already on record as saying that Obama is almost certainly going to win, UNLESS the economy tanks again and/or international affairs begin to look much more precarious.

There ISN’T going to be a serious challenge to Obama from the Left. That option can be ignored.

Any type of Republican (conservative, moderate or libertarian) CAN win in 2012, but only if Obama helps them out by screwing some big things up. My bet is, he won’t screw up badly enough to lose the election.

Going back to the OP question -

Smith would do the most damage.

We know all of the flavors of Republican candidates are working to damage Obama, that’s a given and built in to the equation.

However, Smith is not built into the equation - he/she would be sucking up time, resources, and most of all money during the primary season, leaving the Obama campaign weaker for the true election campaign.

However, reality -

Obama will not get any challenge from inside. The money people would not spend any in that direction, so it won’t happen. The money people are just fine with Obama (much to the chagrin of his more lefty supporters).

Obama ran a very successful campaign last time, taking down Hillary in the primary and running a 50 state campaign for the big prize. He, and his people are no slouch in this part of the game. The only real weakness I see is the level of enthusiasm he had the first time around. I think a measurable percentage of people who showed up then will not show up the next time - they’re just not that into him. However, they will not be pulling the lever for whatever troglodyte or waste-of-space the other side comes up with (OH! Did I say that out loud?..).

…but, he already has.

Everything obama touches, goes putrid. Obama has lied about eveything. All of obama’s promises have been broken. Furthermore, nobody except hard core liberal democrats (blacks, latinos, union and government workers, etc ) trust obama .

Whether it is gitmo, obama’s wars in Afghanistan, Iraq,and Libya, unemployment, health care, bailouts for big banks and bailouts for rich people, etc. etc. everyone else has no trust in obama anymore.

Lastly, obama’s ineligibility to run for re-election. **Donald Trump never!!! asks a question that he does not already know the answer to. **

So many people on this board misread you as a rightist troll. I think your satiric wit is just too subtle for them. You make me smile.

Do you ever tire of not knowing what you’re talking about? List of Obama’s accomplishments


Some, yes.

A ridiculous assertion, so cite?

Guantanamo I’ll give you. He shouldn’t have opened his yap so much about it without knowing what he was up against in the Republican party.

If anything, he inherited Afghanistan and Iraq, and we’re just about done with Iraq.

The jury’s still out on this one, but yeah, this adventure takes him down a notch in my eyes

which is improving

the reform of which didn’t go any where near far enough

Any president would have made the same decisions across the board

Not sure what you mean here, as I’m positive you’re not talking about your blessed Bush tax cut extension

If you’re talking about those who never trusted him in the first place, then, yeah, okay. Of those who trusted him originally, I’d say the number has gotten smaller, with me among them, but that’s not zero.

which doesn’t exist, except in the minds of the willfully misinformed and racists

Are you serious?