Who would you have dinner with?

Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Lloyd Blankfein.

Are we permitted to try to network while at dinner?

  1. Colin Powell
  2. Dan Aykroyd
  3. James Earl Jones

I’m going to “add” another and ask that Chef Gordon Ramsay cook our dinner. :slight_smile:

As an aside, does anybody recall the “Ten People You’d Like To Have To Dinner” lists from The Book of Lists? They included figures from history, and I think I could put together an interesting list if historical figures were included.

  1. Barack Obama
  2. Stephen Fry
  3. Dolly Parton
  1. Dick Gregory
  2. Kinky Friedman
  3. David Cook

Michaëlle Jean
Barack Obama
David Suzuki

  1. James May

I can’t think of any-one else. I’m not very sociable.

I’ll trade out your Chris Rock and add Barack Obama.
…this list is subject to change frequently throughout the day.

I can narrow it down to two dinners:

Stephen King
Tabitha King
Matt Groening

Hugh Laurie
Wayne Brady
Robert Sean Leonard

Warren Buffet
Howard Stern
Kevin Smith

  1. Sylvia Browne. I know most of you laugh at her, but I think she’s facinating and funny.

  2. Stephen King

  3. Ace Young… just because I don’t get to talk to him nearly enough. And yeah… he’s cute. :stuck_out_tongue:

Barack Obama
Bill Clinton
Jimmy Carter

(Yes, I’m a bit of a politics junkie, and each of those men would be interesting enough by themselves, but it would be especially interesting to find out where they agree and disagree. Of course, I’d hope that each would bring along his wife, to make it even more interesting)

David Gilmour
My dad (couldn’t live with myself if I met Dave without him!)
For the third slot, I’d have to go with Polly Samson, Dave’s wife. She’d make him feel more at ease, I think.

As much as I love Dave, I wouldn’t do the whole fangirly thing; instead I’d be interested in him as a person. What’s you favorite book? Tell me about your kids. Who is your hero? If I wanted to know Floyd stuff, it’s not hard to find.

OP here, and having given the matter serious thought, I’m back with not one but two lists.


  1. Jon Stewart
  2. Barack Obama
  3. Jeff Greenfield

Natural history/Growing things, including food/the environment:

  1. David Quammen (author of Song of the Dodo)
  2. Michael Pollan (author of Omnivore’s Dilemma and Botany of Desire)
  3. Al Gore (author of An Inconvenient Truth)

There’s not a huge amount of direct overlap in what they have to say, so it would be fascinating to see where they found the commonality.

David Letterman
Jack White
Elizabeth Hurley (might get lucky!)

My dad, my brother, and my aunt. I don’t know when/if I’ll ever see them again otherwise.

Kim Jong Il
Robert Mugabe
Karl Rove

Dinner would be poorly prepared fugu in a sauce of hemlock tea.

I would excuse myself to take a phone call.


Barack Obama
Bill Clinton
Johnny Depp

Anthony Bourdain
Deborah Knight
Devra Dedeaux

Yes, I am a major foodie. Why do you ask?

Ken Follett, Stephen Hawking, and just so I don’t feel like a total nerd, Christian Bale.