Whole albums on YouTube for free, is it too good to be true?

Oh no you don’t!

Maybe YouTube changed. Was running Firefox ad blocker on the Mac. Went to YouTube, and they said no go with ad blocker. I had to disable it to enjoy YouTube.

Adblock Plus on Firefox. No fuss from Youtube.

I’ve Googled “auto generated you tube music” and have found a number of artists who had unauthorized posting of their music on YouTube. Every single one reported they were not getting royalties at all. All of them were self released or on small indie labels; whether it’s different for big name artists whose labels have agreements, I don’t know.

I was hoping the artists received some money.

I don’t want to see starving artists. I appreciate what they do for us.

In a related matter, if you have a Google Play has been offering many “Best of…” albums that are totally free.


I added a few a couple of weeks ago, so not sure if this is still available. It seems that they rotate what they offer.

I listen to albums on YouTube and buy the CD for the ones I like. YouTube tends to get laggy and freeze up on me.

Audio in the background is one of the features they are promising if you get YouTube Red.

YouTube hasn’t changed its broadcast sample rate, has it?
Used to be any music from there would drop decibels like a lead brick once frequency hit 10K.
(Use Audacity freq analysis to check for this)
That’s a sure sign of 128 or 196K mp3 encoding.
OK if you’ve got crummy speakers, but it’s going to sound like a 7 transistor AM radio when you play the stuff over a decent sound system.
Sure, you can upsample the track to 320Kb/s, but that just adds more bad data points to an already bad recording. You don’t gain any quality doing that.

Squink has it … the quality of sound from the YouTube videos is so piss-poor no one thinks to enforce copyright laws … I guess the theory is if you like the music, but hate the drop-outs, then you’ll go pay the money at whatever service for a proper copy.