Who's the biggest jerk on Big Bang Theory?

That’s a 2-way street. They (mostly Sheldon, but sometimes Leonard) give her a hard time for being a college drop-out.

How can it not be Sheldon? Sheldon is a very funny character to watch but an awful friend if he were real.

Didn’t Leonard say something to Penny one time to the effect of: “He’s an asshole when he’s not drunk too, you just don’t see it.”


Or the woman who snuck out of the coffee shop after telling Raj she was going to use the restroom. “I’m broken” Listen lady, we are all sorta broken. Hoping she goes away quickly.

Leonard has some annoying manerisms though. He always wears a jacket, always is fiddling with his hands and seems to only bang really good looking women.

Biggest jerk on that show? Whoever’s in charge of the laugh track.

Bat pucky. Watch him any time he thinks he has power in a relationship. He treats women like shit. The reason you think he is fundamentally decent is that he is usually scared the woman will dump him and behaves, sorta. If he ever gets married to Penny he’ll turn into a wife abuser in a week. Bet on it.

Are you posting from some strange alternate universe in which Penny could not kick Leonard’s ass?

I didn’t say he’d live through the event, just that he’d be that kind of person. :stuck_out_tongue:

Of the main cast, for me, it’s Raj. Leonard is a whiny little dork, but has never struck me as having ill will. Sheldon, too. He’s clueless, but not actively an asshole–he just doesn’t know any better. Raj gives me the sense that he can be, and is sometimes, a purposeful asshole. I get a bit of that from Howard, too.

Of the core group, it’s Sheldon. Expanded to multiple appearances? Leslie Winkle, hands down.

Raj wins it.
Which makes the Stewart / Raj relationship extra weird since Stewart is by far the nicest guy on the show.

Thanks for the Leslie reminder. Cant stand her.

It’s Sheldon, even if he is somewhat oblivious to it. He is constantly deriding the work others do, reminding Howard of his lack of a PhD, making others feel stupid and forcing everyone else to conform to his standards.

Raj has his issues but at least he has empathy, something Sheldon completely lacks.

What? Penny takes Leonard for granted all the time (most recently, the Valentine’s Day episode) and needs to be constantly reminded of how terrible the guys she used to date were (and by contrast, how much better Leonard is).

The big dude she dumped before the start of the first season stole a ton of money from her and almost caused her to be kicked out of her apartment. Leonard was happy that Sheldon’s assistant liked him and marveled at the fact that two beautiful women thought he was a catch.

Man, what an asshole. :dubious:

The landlord is a real jerk for taking so long to fix the apartment building’s elevator.

What’s wrong with Leslie Winkle? I’d hit that in a heartbeat!

I mean, yeah, if I were Leonard, I would’ve dumped Penny for the prettier, smarter assistant in a heart beat. (Well, probably not really, but I would have thought it.)

Only in your head, I think.

When he is sober and there are not women around he does occasionally do “burns” on the other guys, but it seems to me that it is all good natured guyish teasing, not real meanness (and clearly the other guys do not actually dislike him for it). That is what Leonard is referring to.

I do not think he is aware or in control of his jerkishness when drunk. It is a corollary of his normal intense shyness, with the pendulum suddenly swinging too far the other way. Clearly it does not do him any good. He usually starts of by charming the women he talks to, and then loses them when he gets boorish. Note that the time he thought he was drunk, but it was non-alcoholic beer, he never did get boorish. He was still being charming with the woman when Howard told him it was not alcohol, and rendered him mute again. Now that really was a jerk move, on Howard’s part.

mom always liked everyone else best.