Why are airline seatbelts lap-belt only?

I don’t think I could do rear-facing seats. Granted, I haven’t been in a rear-facing airplane so I can’t say for sure, but I do know that the only roller-coaster I ever got sick on was a rear-facing one, and it made me miserably sick. It actually frightened me.

I’d prefer not to, really.

Vetch, while you’re legally correct, just about everyone that flies meets all of those qualifications. The flight attendants always ask these questions to everybody sitting in the these rows (at least in airplanes I’ve been on). Som, really, it’s kind of a gimmee. But what Slaphead means aside from the obvious meeting-the-requirements requirement is that yes, the airlines tend to give them out on a first come, first serve basis. Except, for some reason, the one time I took Northwest the told me they held them out to frequenter fliers and they wouldn’t dream of accomodating me until no one requested that seat. Eh, I don’t like Northwest much anyway.