Why are Americans willing to fight overseas for freedom but not at home?

No, they wanted to disable American naval power so they could proceed in their plan to add more territory in the Pacific. The Japanese were not going to invade America.

You must’ve missed what I said. While the slaves were certainly freed as a result of the war, I think it was primarily fought to preserve the Union.

It wasn’t. If you’re kidding, it’s now clear. Are we done, then?

I find this Wikipedia article to be a good summary of the origins of the Civil War. While slavery was a very big factor, please note it was not the only factor. It’s not fitting to simplify the causes of the Civil War to just slavery (even though that simplification is understandable).

Also, I personally agree with Marley23’s take on it. While the events leading up to southern secession did have a large focus on slavery, the immediate principle of the war was the preservation of the union. The wiki article on the entire war points this out.

I see no talk of slavery here.

I agree, though I think it would be okay if I were to ease some of your research burden. Allow me to recommend some more material from Wikipedia for you to peruse, this time with focus on the attack on Pearl Harbor. I believe you’ll find the background section to be enlightening.

And I hope that’s the end of this tangent.