Why are most CDs on the side of the road rap/hip hop?

Could this just be an indication that this type of music is more ‘trendy’ than other types. After the music is no longer new the owners have no use for it.

Dammit. That means they’ve won.

I agree with the trendy nature of the rap/hip hop genre (although if this was true we should also see a large amt. of bubble gum pop cd’s as well, but I digress…), but I’d like to raise a point that I don’t think has been discussed.

I throw out my CD’s when they are too worn to continue playing (either entirely or particular songs); most times, I find a garbage can, but I am no stranger to littering on the roadside either. Perhaps the listeners to rap/hip hop CD’s are, in general, worse stewards of their CD’s, and hence they wear more often than listeners of other genres. I have a friend on whom was placed an embargo of CD borrowing owing to his poor care for the discs (needless to say, it is assinine to get a favorite album back with half the tracks unable to be played).

From the annals of the Guy in the Next Cubicle (GNC):

GNC is out driving in the car with his teenage son. Son says Dad’s music is lame, let’s listen to a CD that a friend of his has burned, some real radical music. Son puts CD in player, GNC hears [boompa boompa] MA DAWGS ARE SOME @#% @#% [boompa boompa]

GNC ejects disk, frisbees it out the window, and warns Son never to play that kind of filth in his presence again.

True story!

I’ve never seen nor heard of this phenomenon but this is really the type of question you can just punch into google.

Ok, here is my theory:

Of all the musical genres, those who listen to rap are probably the most likely to flout the law as well as the environmentalist’s agenda. You ain’t gonna see any Enya enthusiasts throwing their CDs out a car window (Although they should). When CD’s of people who listen to rap invariably become damaged because of their lack of concern for even their own property, they toss them out the window in one last act of defiance.

I’m going to expand on Jonathan Woodall and others theories.
1.The most stolen cars are:Toyota Camry, Honda Civic and the Honda Accord.
2.The cars most likely to be “riced” are the same 3 cars (anecdotal).
3.The type of music that “riceboys” listen to is mostly “urban”, mostly for the BOOM factor (and the fact that it pisses off daddy who, ironically enough, often bought the cars for their sons to try and get them to love them).(again, anecdotal)
4.The people that steal cars don’t listen to rap or the same type of rap that the “ricers” listen to.(anecdotal)

Yes, my theory has more holes in it than Charlton Heston’s basement wall, but at least I got cites. Yes, the cites are worthless for the most part, but at least I typed a lot. Yes, my typing sucks but at least I’m out of ideas.