My nursing unit has it’s share of overweight nurses and I’m now battling some weight gain for the fiirst time, but…
Our cafeteria serves pretty crappy food, so I usually try to pack my lunch. I am really surprised at how bad (both healthwise and quality wise) our food is. We are getting a salad and sandwich bar soon, and I can’t wait. Right now, all we get to choose from for lunch and dinner is two entrees, 4 sides, a dessert, and a soup. Triple meal buyers (B, L, D) tend to buy one entree for lunch and the other for dinner, no matter what is served, just for variety. Breakfast is the same 8 items every day.
We work 12 hour shifts so those who don’t pack a lunch may eat 2 or 3 bad meals in a day. Recently, our unit director served us a breakfast meal of fried bean burritos and breakfast tacos. Ugh. They were awful, but free, fast, and available.
We don’t get much time for lunch (30 minutes) and are often so busy we just tend to grab what is lying around. Usually that is not very healthy. We do eat a lot of frozen dinners.
Another thing that happens is that the (wonderful) patients and their families bring us things as thank-you gifts. They bring us pizza, cookies, cakes, and donuts most often. No one ever sends us a fruit plate. It’s all too easy to toss down a few cookies or pizza slices when you are rushed.
I’m actually afraid to go into the nurses lounge between mid November and late January.
I went in one day during the holiday season and found one box of donuts there already. Then some nursing students brought us two more boxes, then a patient’s family member brought us two more. Then someone brought us cookies, then a basket of chocolates, then an Italian Cream cake- all in 1 day! It can be very difficult to not partake in these gifts, particularly on a very busy day.
(One doc sends us grapefruit every year and one family sent every nurse on my unit a 20 pound bag of rice one year! )
Today, I walked 4.4 miles at work. This was an average-busy day.