Why can't children consent to having sex?

My argument is that sexual activity between children and adults is illegal for very insufficient reasons. Sexual activity is in fact beneficial for bonding purposes. Do you deny that? All you’ve done is express contempt and incredulity. Try again.

You sure about that?

What if the infant is instead 5 years old?

You didn’t answer my questions. Whether or not there were such societies isn’t the point.

I already acknowledged that I understand your contention. But you didn’t answer my last question either.

Yet, you admit that it causes harm to children later in life because of the way it’s viewed and treated by society.

Please demonstrate how bonding between parent and child, or any adult and child has suffered or hurt social bonds in general because modern society frowns upon adults diddling children.

It is its own category and you aren’t going to understand social attitudes towards sexuality by reference to a larger category that it fits into.

We as a culture have reached the conclusion that sexuality is something that is particularly destructive when coerced, and therefore although coercion in general is not viewed without a sense that it’s undesirable and unfortunate when it occurs, SEXUAL coercion is designated as an unmitigated wrong. Similarly, there are other forms of injuries that people risk or even intentionally dole out to others, and we tend to regret the occurrence of them in a general way but the specific damages done to people by coercive sex are regarded as inexcusable, there are NO OK SITUATIONS where we perceive sexual coercion and say “well in that circumstance it’s something we tolerate”.

And in my opinion that’s as it should be.

While I do believe that much, if not most of the harm between a child and adult comes from a disapproving society (see: societies that have normalized adult/child sex relationships), I also don’t think the US is there yet, or that the Powers That Be will ever allow us to get there, so there is a harm in the here and now, and laws should remain in place to separate the two. But make them less agonizingly stupid. Two minors of different ages having a sexual relationship, and one of them ages to 18, should not make their relationship now an offense. And neither should two people within an age range where one is an adult and one is a minor be automatically assumed to be wrong. Some of these laws are already in place, which is good, but they need to be universal.

So yes, you are arguing that fucking children benefits society?


All you’ve done is express broken reasoning, poor logic, bald assertion as fact, and contempt for anyone who would disagree with you for any reason. Kindly don’t bother trying again.

OP has not logged on since the 3 posts he made here in 2011.

The reason adult-child sexual relations are so reviled probably has more to do with the fact that we as a culture view children as precious, sacred, innocent little snowflakes than it does with any notion of consent. A society that forces pre-adult kids to waste tens of thousands of hours of their lives trapped in a school building doesn’t give a rats ass about their ‘consent.’

You hate education?

Yes, in fact, there is. For example, there is time, time to acquire the information and experience to become well informed. Just providing information, even if we could do without propagandizing, is not enough.

(Also, something about brain development, but I can’t remember the details, so I’ll go look for it, but it’s an old study, so it might take me awhile.)

This guy really wants to fuck some kids.

Unless you are willing to argue that “we as a culture” have held a “precious snowflake” view of children for hundreds of years, this is nonsense. Even when it was standard practice to put the lil’uns to work in the fields at six or seven, it was not socially acceptable to fuck them.

Judging others is so archaic.

Care to expand?

It’s interesting that behavior that would have gotten one incarcerated a couple of decades ago is celebrated as cultural norms change. People who are opposed to homosexuality for example are now villains when a few decades ago public opposition to the gays was common and almost expected. Now judging someone for living that lifestyle can lead to sanctions. Be careful about the pedophiliaphobia. That may be labeled hate if they reach critical mass!

In seriousness though, addressing the concept of consent is interesting and probably more educational than attacking the poster. I have children and I’m worried that our laws haven’t kept pace with technology. I don’t want my children labeled sex offenders if they send or receive a tit pic.

Furthermore, I also consider most sexual desires to be part of your brain circuitry. I’d like that those who have harmful sexual impulses receive medical treatment to curb asocial behavior.

The fact this thread even exists is…wow. Then there’s bestiality/zoophilia which apparently is legal in some states, so you sick ***'s might as well toss in pedophelia into the legalities too while your at it, I mean wtf?? To me it just seems almost hypocritical, that sex with your 1 yr old dog could be legal or ok to some/ignored by everyone else but not with kids when obviously both are just plain mental development issue and neither should be ignored.

If you want to bond with kids, play with them, tutor them, be a hero to them. It doesn’t require exchanging fluids to bond. If that was the case then everyone would have to screw their dogs and cats before they could love them.

For God’s sake.

