Why Can't Shakers Adopt?

Then the law would have to explicitly exclude “extreme religious Lifestyle” and “religious communes” which would open a can of Problems, because who gets to define what’s extreme and what’s not? (Given not only the strong influence of religious extremists on laws passed in the past decades in the US, but also that the US has not managed to define church in such a way that excludes Scientology from the tax-benefits of it.)

There’s also a lot of Adoption to very extreme religious couples still going on in the US, so that’s not likely the reason.

I do remember a documentary where they said that originally, Shakers adopted huge numbers because the state could save Money on orphanages, (and the children were cared and fed much better at the Shakers than at the orphanages) but when orphanages changed, Shakers were no longer attractive compared to conventional couples.