Why Coldplay could never be the next U2 - they have no Edge

No one sounds like larry mullen, Which is neither good or bad. his grooves for tunes are pretty unique… Pride (in the name of love)…the snare pickup into the chorus kicks some serious ass.

Honestly, I have no beef with him! He’s not throwing chops (hard licks) out everywhere which would probably lead some to believe he sucks. I just think hes pretty tasteful… Not one of my favorite drummers but that does not mean he is not talented!!

I Don’t really know why I don’t dig U2…a lot of their jams sound the same…which I can dig in small doses…kinda like Neil Young for me… or hell the stones… Its great but I get sick of it after too many in a row.

I find that couldplay does some really interesting stuff in their tracks, Track 2 off of that new album has some VERY hip metric modulation going on. You would probably have to know what that is to appreciate tho… their tunes just do more for me than U2

Because I macrame’d myself a pair of jean shorts?

New U2 for anyone who cares.

U2 Pit Thread, fwiw

That’s pretty much it for me. U2 at least can (or used to) get anthemic and rousing - Coldplay is just terminally bland.

What on earth gave you that idea?! Quite the opposite!

Oh, I don’t doubt you. I may not have heard this but I totally believe it’s out there. Any new artist will draw comparisons and claims of all sorts. I just don’t see it as being something that serious music fans are mounting a case for or that will last.

I’m not a huge U2 fan, but I think the comparison’s unfair to Coldplay; they’re a decent band and all but the likelihood that they will attain the level of greatness U2 has is one in a zillion.

Well, that and you know the real name of the Rule the World song :).

Well, it was meant to be tongue-in-cheek. I should have put a smiley there. But, thanks!

Actually, I just remembered: it’s Scriabin, not Shostakovich, you dislike, right?

Yeah yeah. I no speaky english no more - 12 years in. I’m sure you’re familiar with the syndrome.

Yes, that’s more like it :stuck_out_tongue: