Why did they do that? - Stupid details ruining good songs

Noooo! I love The Story of the Hare Who Lost His Spectacles! It makes me giggle every time.

I think that’s one of the best lines… for all the shit Sting takes for taking himself entirely too seriously, he ends a song about existential isolation with a joke line.

Raguleader, I’ve heard that the “catorce” line is a reference to a) the number album that HTDAAB is in the U2 discography or b) something to do with the band’s work with Steve Lillywhite - if you count their compilation albums, he produced their first, second, third, and fourteenth album. And then there’s this:

I love when an artist throws something out like this - who knows if it actually means anything? - and it sparks a conversation about the intent of the line.

I like the rap in “Rapture.” It wasn’t like everyone was out doing “The Message” at the time. I’ve seen it written that emcees gave props to Debbie Harry for her flow, not to mention she earned some street cred by name-checking Fab Five Freddy (and he’s in the video as well). The Black dude in the top hat is creepy. He looks like a Haitian extra from Live And Let Die.

Back to the topic… I kind of don’t mind it now, but the droning tone in R.E.M.'s “How The West Was Won And Where It Got Us” used to bug the hell out of me.

Nobody mentioned Frank Zappa. Any attempt at music was drowned out by… hell, I still don’t understand it.

and add me to the list of people who heard “Henn ry, rusted” to the Love Shack.

Perhaps this is heresy, but I love most of the songs (and named portions of said songs) on this thread.

My nomination, however, is “One Song Glory” from the musical Rent. It’s a beautiful song, gorgeous and powerful and dramatic, until… the last line. “knock knock knock The door.” OK, it’s not technically part of the song, but it rhymes and is part of the CD track, so it feels like it is.

I always frantically hit the fast forward button before the first knock.

the annoying intro to Sublime’s Lincoln Highway Dub
Actually the whole album is like a chunk of gold with some shit smeared on it–all it needed was some cleaning up.
Bradley Nowell, who was the creative force behind ‘Robbin the Hood,’ did this random dubbing of audio clips that were funny the first couple times, and insanely annoying after half a dozen spins. The whole album is littered with clips from the Cisco Kid, and monologues by this bat shit crazy (really truly insane) guy. For a guy just muckin around with a 4 track and on a constant heroin binge, he had some brilliant moments, its just really disappointing that his talent never got to blossom (Brad died of a heroin overdose a couple years after that album was released).

but this one really bothers me as well
in another sublime song 5446 Thats My Number/Ball and Chain he hurts a great song yet again with a stupid dub. It really is too bad that he died

edit: and on a different note of annoyance, sublime recorded many songs with their instruments tuned a couple cents flat–really annoying when you want to play along