Why do antacids normally come in bottles of 96?

This shall not go unapplauded.

Bravo good Sir! You win the thread.

I just so happen to have polished off a bottle. 160. (Which hasn’t been reported yet.)


I get even multiples of 12 or even multiples of 25 but this is different. I think someone thought 120+40 sounded like a good amount.


I’m in a pharmacy-adjacent business and have many friends who are pharmacists. I was going to suggest “ask a pharmacist” because they have many relics of their dark arts (mcg? Really? I absolutely refuse to use that; and I still see grains now and then).

But apparently that’s not it.

Why is this thread focusing on antacids?

Have none of you noticed that almost ALL medicines are sold this way? I went to the pharmacy just the other day, and my choices of a certain medication were a pack of 24 or of 36.

To demonstrate my point, I just went to Amazon to survey the bottle sizes of Tylenol. To my surprise, the choices were 100, 250, 225, and similar quantities. But I suspect that a big factor was the lack of any packages smaller than 100. So I tried Claritin, and Amazon sells it in packages of 70, 80, 30, 45 tablets. Then I tried Immodium, which is the one I mentioned in the above paragraph; Amazon seems to sell it only in packs of 12 and 24.

My guess is that the smaller the package, the more likely it will be a multiple of 12. And the larger the package, the more likely it will be a multiple of 10 or 25.