Why Do Bad Things Always Happen When I Drink Tequila?

'Course, tequila wouldn’t stain your favorite shirt purple on its way back up and out. (If it does, I don’t think I want to know more details.)

Okay, here’s my tequila related post.

Shortly after my S/O and I moved in together, we were invited to a bar/pool place. My S/O is a pretty big guy. Anyway, it’s $2 shots that night.

20 tequila shots in 45 minutes :wally: 30 minute drive home, my S/O asking my gay friend if he wants to see his Beefy Ravioli :rolleyes: , 15 minutes of hanging off a stop sign, peeing into the wind, 2 HOURS to get him up 17 steps, 3 hours of puking up BLT wretch does NOT = priceless! :eek:

Keep in mind this is the first time I’ve seen him drunk.

I had to work at 8am the next day. I called him at 2 pm and he’s still drunk. 2 days later his pee STILL smelled like tequila

No wonder he hasn’t touched it since, that was 4 year ago!

I sympathize with you, tuckerfan; I’ve made a fool of myself a few times on tequila. One night 23 years ago, a good friend and I were riding around New Albany, Ind., and Louisville, Ky., drinking good ol’ Two Fingers and smoking marijuana. Around 12:30 a.m. we pick up his girlfriend, the lady he later married, at her place of employment. He introduces us, we fire up a joint, and two minutes The Peyote Coyote is leaving a trail of puke down Broadway in Louisville. Later, he is merciful and takes me to his house so I can pass out. The funny thing is: his wife is one of the few wives of friends who can stand me. I guess I made a great impression, huh?

I’ve come to the conclusion that tequila is not like other forms of ethanol. It’s more of a drug, something like peyote or mescaline.

I can’t drink it anymore. I miss it, too. I can still drink anything else, but tequila just makes me mean and stupid.

When I started drinking at age 21, I could put down a fifth and suffer no ill consequences beyond a little bit of goggling (always drink with trusted friends in order to prevent acting on tequila goggles).

Tequila, though is a jealous bitch. I started drinking bourbon and other things for a couple of years and then tried to go back to her. Oh no. She was having none of it.

Tequila now makes me angry and mean. No other booze does this. I’m the world’s happiest drunk on anything else. I discovered the hazard, though, the first time after age 23 that I got drunk on tequila, tried to pick a fight with the Marine recruit (he had a stupid haircut and needed his ass kicked was my oh so infallible logic), couldn’t even stand up to go confront up and had to be carried out by my then fiancee, who was 5’2" and 115 lbs.

The couple of times since then that I’ve tried have had similarly horrid results. Luckily, I still don’t get hangovers from anything. I’m a fortunate mutant that way.

I’ll tell you what my friends have told me: I’m glad you survived the night. Don’t do that again.

Whiskey contains the ghosts of the hill country of Kentucky, or Scotland, or Ireland, with smoky hints of folk songs and rustic comforts.

Tequila has this whole bad-ass pachuco thing going on, not evil, neccesarily, but not here to take any shit and definitely doesnt need any stinking badges.

Now that may be a record. The previous “record” I’d heard of was by a HS friend who did 19 in an hour, then puked down the back of a girl he had a crush on.

The closest to a record I ever had was 28 shots of JD in two hours. I was hung over until 7 the next evening.

“Catholic girls and tequila. I can’t say ‘no’ to either one of them and they always do me wrong.” [sub]a friend for whom this was so very true[/sub]

If it IS a record, it’s not one I want him breaking!! gack

(elucidator - that was beautiful!!)

Don’t have much experience with tequila, being a single-malt kinda guy, but the absolute best stories I’ve ever heard about being plastered are tequila related.

A friend of mine (I can’t remember if it was in reference to getting blown by two women in a car with the windows down, or to being the center of a one-man riot outside a night club) always called it “Fight-or-Fuck Medicine”.

Tequila is EVIL. Not just EVIL, but eeeviiiil. Last time I had tequila shots was NYE, I did the whole salt-sip-suck thing about 10 times. I didn’t vomit [which is amazing for me] but instead had horrible nightmares that night about salty/lemony things.

Now everytime I think of the taste of salt/lemon/tequila together, I automatically get a gag reflex. Not nice.

I’d probably gag from drinking tequila with lemon also. Lime is the proper citrus to be used with tequila shots. Since you’re from Australia, we’ll excuse it this time. :wink:

Tequila is the nectar of the gods. Liquid love, molten gold. Sublime.

If you’ve never had tequila that has been infused with almond-essence, you haven’t been living life.

Sounds just like an experience I had back in 1980.
One Friday night, a friend and I drank Southern Comfort, straight from the bottle.
Man, is that stuff ever misnamed–comfort, my ass!