Why Do Blue T-Shirts Make My Hubby Stink?

What about silk? I have a silk knit top that seems like it gets smelly the minute I sweat a teeny little bit, but I don’t think I can boil it. It’s dry clean only. (It does get dry cleaned fairly often.) Is there anyhting I can do with it?

I would hazard a wild out of the blue guess that he thinks he is hot, or gets more looks from the ladies in blue and that triggers a hormonal response which causes increased sweating overbearing his deodorant.

slight hijack on the microwave idea -
watch the wave closely. Mr. Science here decided to microwave a couple of wooden salad forks that had sat in the water, thinking that they must have absorbed lots of bacteria, too, and it was about time to just sterilize the dang things for once and for all. So, I put them in the wave for a couple of minutes (literally) to give them a good drying off and to kill off any internal bugs that may have set up housekeeping in there. Stepped away for a moment to do something. Stepped back into the kitchen in time to see the place filled with smoke, the spoons just on the verge of bursting into flames, the smoke detectors jumping into action, and the bacteria, no doubt dead. It’s been about two weeks now, and still, everytime we use the nuker, the place smells like we’re sitting around a campfire. Doh!

Why is it so difficult for people to believe that it’s the blue shirt itself that causes the smell? I can confirm this. Most, but not all, of the dark blue t-shirts, dress shirts, and sweatshirts that I’ve bought have this same problem: they all smell much worse than other shirts after an hour or two of wear. Light blues, as with blue oxford button-downs, don’t seem to react the same way.

I am often complemented on how good I smell; and girlfriends have told me that even when I sweat I “never smell bad”. But the blue shirts do it. And also, as in the experience of the original messager, some black shirts (but fewer). I have not encountered this issue with other colors; but admittedly I never buy dark green (which may be made with dark blue dye). Olive sometimes, but never forest green.

On occasion, I’ll buy a dark blue shirt just to try it out; and once in a while it will be okay to wear; but the number of shirts I have to get rid of hardly make it worth it to even consider darker tees. Currently I only have one navy henley that is okay to wear without smelling bad.

My conclusion: Something in the dye used for dark blue and black shirts reacts with my sweat or body to produce odors. It seems that it’s also true for others.

Blue shirts may smell but zombies smell worse.

Since Lissa hasn’t been around since 2007, I wonder…does her hubby still wear his stinkin’ blue shirt?

We don’t need no stinkin’ blue shirts!

Why does someone ALWAYS feel the need to be the first to point out that a thread is old, regardless of the fact that the new posts add to the conversation? Do you want a pat on the head? A cookie? What the hell.

I want a pony.

Because the resurrector didn’t notice; the OP and other posters may not be around anymore, and the age of the thread may be a factor in replying. Better to reveal than assume we all know.

And I want a cookie.

I can kind of see adding something to the discussion and mentioning “oh by the way, this thread is X months/years old” but to just come in to post nothing but a zombie “joke” seems kind of assholish to me.

Lissa may have used ammonia and bleach together, and she is indeed now a zombie herself.

Dressed in a blue T-shirt, natch.

Assholes are people who bump 5 year old threads with zero new information. :stuck_out_tongue:

Something that no one mentioned in the thread: try hanging your shirts out to dry in the sun now and then.

There’s something magic about sunlight destroying bad smells.

(Yeah, it’s a zombie, but other people may still have stinky shirts.)

I see this is a zombie thread, but I was going to ask Lissa what hubby wore over his blue shirts. In post 6 she said he wears the white Ts under his dress work shirts, but I didn’t see if she said anywhere that he wears shirts over the blue or brown Ts. If not that’s probably why the blues stink.

Does your husband use deo stick under his arms. Could it be a chemical reaction between some element of the blue dying and the deo, that would sour the fragance of the deo? One way to test is wear a blue-tshirt without any deo, if it improves, change deo…

Boy, talk about a zombie thread.

ETA: Cite.


If someone had thought to suggest it when this thread was newer, or if Lissa or anyone else is still having this problem: I think she should stop washing the blue shirts in vanilla ice cream.

In all honesty, I doubt it is the blue shirts that are the problem.

My favorite color is blue so I often wear blue shirts - they do not smell any differently to any other shirt I put on. So I honestly doubt it is the shirt that is the issue here.

I can confirm that leaving clothes damp for long periods of time do not help though - maybe that is what has happened? :confused:

I routinely soak white stuff, ( I no longer have white dress shirts, even for funerals ) in a bucket for up to a week with laundry soap, bleach & an OXY clean of some sort.

No stains of any kind, no smells & dry with no fabric softener which reduces absorbency I have heard.

I should not have laughed but I did. Shame on you. :stuck_out_tongue: